which hitherto as I suppose hath been hid: which is thatNote. with a small number of shippes there may bee discouered diuers newe landes and kingdomes, in the whiche without doubt your Grace shall winne perpetuall glory and your Subiects infinite profite. To which places there is left one way to discouer, which is into the North: For that of the foure parts of the worlde it seemeth three partes are discouered by other Princes. For out of Spaine they haue discouered all the Indies and Seas Occidentall, and out of Portugale all the Indies and Seas Oriental: So that by this part of the Orient and Occident, they haue compassed the worlde. For the one of them departing towarde the Orient, and the other towarde the Occident, met againe in the course or way of the middest of the day, and so then was discouered a great part of the same Seas and coastes by the Spaniardes. So that nowe rest to bee discouered the saide North partes, the which it seemeth to mee, is onely your charge and duetie. Because the situation of this your Realme is thereunto neerest and aptest of all other: and also for that you haue alreadie takenNote. it in hande: And in mine opinion, it will not seeme well to leaue so great and profitable an enterprise, seeing it may so easily and with so little coste, labour, and daunger, bee followed and obtained: Though heeretofore your Grace hath made theereof a proofe, and founde not the commoditie thereby as you trusted, at this time it shall bee no impediment. For there may bee nowe prouided remedies for thinges, then lacked, and the inconueniences and lettes remooued that then were cause your Graces desire tooke no full effect, which is, the courses to be chaunged, and followe the aforesaid new courses. And concerning the marriners, shippes, and prouision, an order may be deuised and taken meete and conuenient much better then hetherto. By reason whereof, and by Gods grace, no doubt your purpose shall take effect. Surely the coste heerein will bee nothing, in comparison to the great profite.
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