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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/45

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of euery region, and yet not of all, the roome is occupied. Many Ilands are also left out for the saide lacke of roome: the names almost of all portes put to silence, with the roses of the windes or pointes of the compasse: For that this is not for Pilots to sayle by, but a summarie declaration of that which your Lordship commaunded. And if by this your Lordshippe cannot well perceiue the meaning of this carde, of the which I woulde not maruell, by reason of the rude composition of it, will it please your Lordship to aduise mee to make a bigger and a better mappe, or els that I may cause one to bee made. For I knowe my selfe in this and all other nothing perfect, but Licet semper discens, nunquam tamen ad perfectam scientiam peruenient. Also I knowe to set the forme Sphericall of the worlde in Plano after the true rule of Cosmographie, it would haue been made otherwise then this is: Howbeit the demonstration shoulde not haue beene so plaine. And also these degrees of longitude, that I set in the lower part of this Card, shold haue been set along by the line equinoctiall, and so then must bee imagined. For the degrees of longitude neare either of the poles are nothing equal in bignes to them in the equinoctiall. But these are set so, for that setting them a long the Equinoctiall, it would haue made obscure a great parte of the mappe. Many other curiosities may be required, which for the nonce I did not set downe, as well for that the intent I had principally was to satisfie your doubt touching the spicerie, as for that I lacke leysure and time. I trust your Lordshippe correcting that which is erred, will accept my good will, which is to do any thing that I maye in your Lordshippes seruice. But from henceforth I knowe your Lordshippe wil rather commande me to keepe silence, then to be large, when you shalbe weeried with the reading of this discourse. Iesus prosper your estate and health.

Your Lordshippes Robert
Thorne 1527.
