ALso this Carde and that which I write touching the variaunce betweene the Emperour and the king of Portingale, is not to bee shewed or communicated there with many of that Courte. For though there is nothing in it preiudiciall to the Emperour, yet it may bee a cause of paine to the maker: as well for that none may make these Cardes, but certaine appointed and allowed for masters, as for that peraduenture it woulde not sounde well to them, that a stranger shoulde knowe or discouer their secretes: and wolde appeare worst of all, if they vnderstand that I write touching y͏ͤ short way to the spicerie by our Seas. Though peraduenture of troth it is not to bee looked too, as a thing that by all opinions is vnpossible, and I thinke neuer will come to effect: and therefore neither heere nor els where is it to bee spoken of. For to moue it amongest wise men, it shoulde bee had in derision. And therefore to none I woulde haue written nor spoken of such things, but to yout Lordship, to whome boldly I commit in this all my foolish fantasie as to my selfe. But if it please God that into Englande I may come with your Lordship, I will shewe some coniectures of reason though against the generall opinion of Cosmographers, by which shall appeare this that I say not to lacke some foundation. And tyll that time I beseeche your Lordship let it bee put to silence: and in the meane season it may please God to sende our two Englishmen, that are gone to the spicerie, which may also bring more plaine declaration of yͭ which in this case might bee desired. Also I knowe it needed not to haue beene so prolixe in the declaration of this Carde to your Lordship, if the saide Carde had beene very well made after the rules of Cosmographie. For your Lordship woulde soone vnderstande it better than I, or any other that coulde haue made it: and so it shoulde appeare that I shewed Delphinum natare. But for that I haue made it after my rude manner, it is necessarie that I be the declarer or gloser of mine owne work, or els your Lordship should haue had much labour to vn-derstande
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