rie shining of meane stature, handsome visag, and dilicate limmes and of verie little strength: but of prompt witte, farther we obserued not.
Departing from hence following the shore which trended somewhat towarde the North in 50. leagues space, wee came to another lande which shewed much more faire and full of woods, being very great, where we rode at Ancker, and that wee might haue some knowledge thereof, wee sent 20. men a lande, which entred into the countrey about two leagues, and they founde that the people were fledde to the woods for feare, they sawe onely one olde woman with a young maide of 18. or 20. yeeres olde, which seeing our companie hid them selues in the grasse for feare, the olde woman caried two Infantes on her shoulders, and behinde her necke a childe of 8. yeeres olde: the young woman was laden likewise with as many: but when our men came vnto them, the women cryed out, the olde woman made signes that the men were fled vnto the woods, as soone as they sawe vs to quiet them and to winne their fauour, our men gaue them suche victuals as they had with them to eate, which the old woman receiued thankfully: but the yong woman disdained them al, and threwe them disdainefully on the grounde, they tooke a childe from the olde woman to bring into Fraunce, and going about to take the young woman which was verye beawtifull & of tal stature, they could not possibly for y͏ͤ great outcries that shee made bring her to the sea, and especially hauing great woods to passe through, and being farre from the shippe, wee purposed to leaue her behinde bearing away the childe onely. We found those folkes to bee more white than those that we founde before, being clad with certaine leaues yͭ hang on boughes of trees, which they sowe together with thredes of wilde hempe, their heads were trussed vp after the same manner as the former were, their ordinarie foode is of pulse, whereof they haue great store, differing in colour & taste frõ ours, of good & plasant taste. Moreouer they liue by fishing & fouling which they take with ginnes, and bowes made of hard wood the arrowes of Canes, beinghea-