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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/57

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Morum bega.

headed with the bones of fishe and other beastes. The beastes in these parts are much wilder thẽ in our Europe, by reason they are continually chased and hunted. Wee sawe many of their boates made of one tree 20. foote long, and 4. foote broade, which are not made with Iron, or stone, or any other kinde of metal, (because that in all this countrie for the space of 200 leagues whiche we ranne, wee neuer sawe one stone of any sort): they help themselues with fyre, burning so much of the tree as is sufficient for the hollownesse of the boate, the like they doe in making the sterne and the foreparte vntill it be fitte to saile vpon the sea. The lande is in situation, goodnesse and fairnes like the other: it hath woods like the other, thinne and full of diuers sortes of trees: but not so sweete because the countrey is more northerly and cold.

Wee sawe in this Countrey many Vines growing naturally, which growing vp take hold of the trees as they do in Lombardie, wͨ if by husbandmen they were dressed in good order, without all doubte they woulde yeelde excellent wines: for wee hauing oftentymes seene the fruite thereof dried, whiche was sweete and pleasaunt, and not differing from ours. Wee doe thinke that they doe esteeme the same, because that in euery place where they growe, they take away the vnder braunches growing rounde about, that the fruite thereof may ripen the better.

We found also roses, violettes, lillies, and many sorts of herbes, and sweete and odoriferous flowers different from ours. We knewe not their dwellinges, because they were farre vp in the lande, and wee iudge by manye signes that wee sawe, that they are of wood and of trees framed together.

Wee doe beleeue also by many coniectures and signes, that many of them sleeping in the fieldes, haue no other couer then the open skye. Further knowledge haue wee not of them, we thinke yͭ all the rest whose countreys we passed liue all after one manner, hauing our aboade three dayes in this cuntrey, riding on the coast for want of harboroughs,we con-