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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/59

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Morum bega.
And wee came to another lande being 15. leagues distant from the Ilande, where wee founde a passing good hauen, wherein being entredThe Countrey of Sir H. G. voyage. we founde about 20. small boates of the people which with diuers cries and wondrings came about our shippe, comming no nerer then 50. paces towards vs, they stayed and behelde the artificialnesse of our ship, our shape & apparel, thã they al made a loud showte together declaring that they reioyced: when we had something animated them vsing their geastes, they came so neere vs that wee cast them certaine bells and glasses and many toyes, whiche when they had receiued they lookte on them with laughing & came without feare aborde our ship. There were amongst these people 2. kings of so goodly stature and shape as is possible to declare, the eldest was about 40. yeeres of ag, the second was a yong man of 20. yeres old. Their apparell was on this maner, the elder had vpõ his naked body a harts skin wrought artificialie with diuers braunches like Damaske, his head was bare with the haire tyed vp behinde with diuers knottes: About his necke he had a large chaine, garnished with diuers stones of sundrie colours the young man was almost appareled after the same manner. This is the goodliest people and of the fairest conditions that wee haue found in this our voyage. They exceed vs in bignes, they are of the colour of brasse, some of thẽ encline more to whitnes: others are of yellowe colour, of comely visage with long & blacke heire which they are very carefull to trim and decke vp, they are blacke and quicke eyed. I write not to your Maiestie, of the other parte of their bodie, hauing all suche proportion as appertayneth to anye handsome man. The women are of the like conformitie and Beawtie, verie handsome and well fauored, they are as well mannered and continente as anye women, of good education, they are all naked saue their priuie partes whiche they couer with a Deareskinne braunched or embrodered as the men vse: there are also of them whiche weare in their armes verie riche skinnes of leopardes, they adorne their heades with diuers ornamentes made of their owne heire, whiche hangedowne