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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/60

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The discouerie of

downe before on both sides their brestes, others vse other kinde of dressing them selues like vnto the women of Egypt and Syria, these are of the elder sorte: and when they are married they weare diuers toyes, according to the vsage of the people of the East as well men as women.

Among whom we sawe many plates of wrought coper, which they esteeme more then golde, whiche for the colour they make no accompt of, for that among all other it is counted the basest, they make most accompt of Azure and red. The things that they esteemed most of al those which we gaue them were bels, cristall of Azure colour, and other toies to hang at their eares or about their necke. They did not desire cloth of silke or of golde, muche lesse of any other sorte, neither cared they for thinges made of steele and Iron, which wee often shewed them in our armour whiche they made no wonder at, and in beholding them they onely asked the arte of making them: the like they did at our glasses, which whẽ the behelde, they sodainely laught and gaue them vs againe. They are very liberal for they giue that which they haue, we became great friendes with these, and one day wee entred into the hauen with our shippe, where as before wee rode a league of at sea by reason of the contrary weather. They came in great companies of their small boates vnto the ship with their faces all be painted with diuers colours, shewing vs yͭ it was a signe of ioy, bringing vs of their victuals, they made signes vnto vs where wee might safest ride in the hauen for the safegarde of our shippe keeping still our companie: and after we were come to an Ancker, we bestowed fifteene dayes in prouiding our selues many necessary things, whether euery day the people repayred to see our ship bringing their wiues with them, whereof they are very ielous: and they themselues entring abrode the shippe and stayinge there a good space, caused their wiues to stay in their boates, and for al the intreatie we could make, offering to giue them diuers things, we could neuer obtaine that they would suffer them to come aborde our ship. And oftentimes one of the two kings comming with his queene, and many gentlemen for their pleasure to see vs, they all stayed on y͏ͤ shore two hun-