ched to the lande that in times past was discouered by the Britons, which is in fiftie degrees. Hauing now spent all our prouision and victuals, and hauing discouered about 700. leagues and more of newe Countries, and being furnished with Water and Wood wee concluded to returne into Fraunce.
Touching the religion of this people, which wee haue founde for want of their language we could not vnderstand neither by signes nor gesture that they had any religion or lawe at all, or that they did acknowledge any first cause or mouer, neither that they worship the heauen or starres the Sunne or Moone or other Planets, and much lesse whether they bee idolaters, neither coulde wee learne whether that they vsed any kinde of Sacrifices or other adorations, neither in their villages haue they any Temples or houses of prayer. We suppose that they haue no religion at all, and yͭ they liue at their owne libertie. And yͭ all this proceedeth of ignorance, for that they are very easie to bee persuaded: and all that they see vs Christians doe in our diuine seruice they did the same with the like imitation as they sawe vs to doe it.