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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/66

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The discouerie of the Isles of Frisland,
Iseland, Engrouel and, Estotiland, Drogeo and
Icaria, made by M. Nicolas Zeno, Knight, and M. Antonio
his brother.

IN the yere of our Lord 1200. There was in the Citie of Venice a famous Gentleman, named M. Marino Zeno, who for his great vertue ano singular wisedome, was called and elected gouernour in certain common wealthes of Italy, in the administration whereof hee bore himselfe so discreetly, that hee was beloued of all men, and his name greatly reuerenced of those that neuer knewe or sawe his person. And among sundrie his worthie workes, this is recorded of him, that hee pacified certaine greeuous ciuile dissentions that arose among the Citizens of Verona: whereas otherwise if by his graue aduise and great diligence, they had not beene preuented, the matter was likely to breake out in hot broiles of warre. He was the first AgentPodesta. that the common wealth of Venice kept in Constantinople in the yeere 1205. quando n'era patrona, conli baroni frãcesi. This Gentleman had a sonne named M. Pietro, who was the father of the Duke Rinieri, which Duke dying with out issue, made his heyre M. Andrea, the sonne af M. Marco his brother. This M. Andrea was captaine generall and Procurator, a man of great reputation for many rare partes, that were in him. He had a sonne M. Rinieri, a worthie Senatour and prudent Councellour: Of whom descende M. Pietro Generall of the league of the Christians against the Turkes, who was called Dragon, for that in his armes hee bare a Dragon. Hee was father to M. Carlo the famous Procurator and Generall againste the Genowayes in
