which left me according to the degree in which they were removed. They employed various arts of infusing weariness and consequent weakness, especially by reproofs and defamations, among themselves and their associates, whose common sphere they inject.
There are others who in the life of the body have been most filthy, their filthiness being of such a nature as cannot be mentioned. They, by their presence and influx into the solid parts of the body, induce such a weariness of life, and such a torpor in the members and joints, that the man cannot raise himself out of bed. They are most contumacious, and do not desist by punishments as other devils do. When they are driven away, it is not done suddenly, but slowly.
There were spirits attendant upon me, who induced such an oppression in the stomach, that I seemed to myself scarce able to live; the oppression was so great that with others it would have occasioned fainting; but they were removed, and then it instantly ceased. It was told me, that such spirits are those who in the life of the body have not been habituated to any employment, not even domestic, but only to pleasure; and besides they had lived in filthy ease and sluggishness, and had not taken any concern about others; they also despised faith: in a word, they were animals, not men. The sphere of such with the sick induces numbness in the members and joints.
There are in the brain viscid humours, with which is mixed somewhat spirituous or vital, which viscid humours, being there thrown out from the blood, fall first between the membranes, then between the fibres, part of them into the great ventricles in the brain. The spirits who have a corresponding reference to those viscid humours, are of such a quality, that, in consequence of a habit acquired in the life of the body, they excite scruples of conscience and insinuate them into things of no importance, whereby they aggravate the conscience of the simple; nor do they know what ought to move the con-