science, for they make a matter of conscience of every thing that befalls them. Such also induce sensible anxiety into the part of the abdomen beneath the region of the diaphragm. They are also at hand in temptations, and occasion anxieties, which are sometimes intolerable. Such of them as correspond to the less vital viscid phlegm, on such occasions keep the thought inherent in those anxieties.
From experience it has been given me to learn that an inundation or flood in the spiritual sense is twofold, one being an inundation of lusts, and the other of falsities; an inundation of lusts is of the voluntary part, and is of the right side of the brain, whereas an inundation of falsities is of the intellectual part, in which is the left side of the brain. When a man who had lived in good, is remitted into his proprium, thus into the sphere of his own life, there appears as it were an inundation. When he is in that inundation he is indignant and angry, thinks restlessly, and desires vehemently, in one way when the left part of the brain is inundated, where falses are, and in another when the right is inundated, where evils are. But when a man is kept in the sphere of life which he had received from the Lord by regeneration, he is altogether out of such an inundation, and is as it were in serenity and sunshine, and in gladness and happiness, thus far from indignation, anger, restlessness, lusts, and the like.
As death comes from no other source than from sin, and sin is all that which is contrary to divine order, it is from this ground that evil closes the smallest and altogether invisible vessels [of the human body], of which the next greater vessels, which are also invisible, are composed; for the smallest and altogether invisible vessels are continued to a man's interiors: hence comes the first and inmost obstruction, and hence the first and inmost vitiation in the blood. This vitiation, when it increases, causes disease and at length death. But if a man had lived the life of good, his interiors would be open to heaven, and through heaven to the Lord: thus also the