Page:Documentary Evidence Act 1868 (UKPGA Vict-31-32-37 qp).pdf/2

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31° & 32° VICTORIÆ, Cap. 37.

Documentary Evidence.

(2.) By the Production of a Copy of such Proclamation, Order, or Regulation purporting to be printed by the Government Printer, or, where the Question arises in a Court in any British Colony or Possession, of a Copy purporting to be printed under the Authority of the Legislature of such British Colony or Possession.
(3.) By the Production, in the Case of any Proclamation, Order, or Regulation issued by Her Majesty or by the Privy Council, of a Copy or Extract purporting to be certified to be true by the Clerk of the Privy Council or by any One of the Lords or others of the Privy Council, and, in the Case of any Proclamation, Order, or Regulation issued by or under the Authority of any of the said Departments or Officers, by the Production of a Copy or Extract purporting to be certified to be true by the Person or Persons specified in the Second Column of the said Schedule in connexion with such Department or Officer.

Any Copy or Extract made in pursuance of this Act may be in Print or in Writing, or partly in Print and partly in Writing.

No Proof shall be required of the Handwriting or official Position of any Person certifying, in pursuance of this Act, to the Truth of any Copy of or Extract from any Proclamation, Order, or Regulation.

Act to be in force in Colonies. 3. Subject to any Law that may be from Time to Time made by Legislature of any British Colony or Possession, this Act shall be in force in every such Colony and Possession.

Punishment of Forgery. 4. If any Person commits any of the Offences following, that is to say,―

(1.) Prints any Copy of any Proclamation, Order, or Regulation which falsely purports to have been printed by the Government Printer, or to be printed under the Authority of the Legislature of any British Colony or Possession, or tenders in Evidence any Copy of any Proclamation, Order, or Regulation which falsely purports to have been printed as aforesaid, knowing that the same was not so printed; or,
(2.) Forges or tenders in Evidence, knowing the same to have been forged, any Certificate by this Act authorized to be annexed to a Copy of or Extract from any Proclamation, Order, or Regulation;

he shall be guilty of Felony, and shall on Conviction be liable to be sentenced to Penal Servitude for such Term as is prescribed by the Penal Servitude Act, 1864, as the least Term to which an Offender can be sentenced to Penal Servitude, or to be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Years, with or without Hard Labour.

5. The