Page:Documentary Evidence Act 1868 (UKPGA Vict-31-32-37 qp).pdf/3

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31° & 32° VICTORIÆ, Cap. 37.

Documentary Evidence.

Definition of Terms. 5. The following Words shall in this Act have the Meaning herein-after assigned to them, unless there is something in the Context repugnant to such Construction; (that is to say,)

“British Colony and Possession,”“British Colony and Possession” shall for the Purposes of this Act include the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, and such Territories as may for the Time being be vested in Her Majesty by virtue of any Act of Parliament for the Government of India and all other Her Majesty’s Dominions.

“Legislature,”“Legislature” shall signify any Authority other than the Imperial "Legislature," Parliament or Her Majesty in Council competent to make Laws for any Colony or Possession.

“Privy Council,”“Privy Council” shall include Her Majesty in Council and the "Privy Council," Lords and others of Her Majesty’s Privy Council, or any of them, and any Committee of the Privy Council that is not specially named in the Schedule hereto.

“Government Printer,”“Government Printer” shall mean and include the Printer to Her Majesty and any Printer purporting to be the Printer authorized to print the Statutes, Ordinances, Acts of State, or other Public Acts of the Legislature of any British Colony or Possession, or otherwise to be the Government Printer of such Colony or Possession.

“Gazette.”“Gazette” shall include the London Gazette, the Edinburgh Gazette, and the Dublin Gazette, or any of such Gazettes.

Act to be cumulative. 6. The Provisions of this Act shall be deemed to be in addition to, and not in derogation of, any Powers of proving Documents given by any existing Statute or existing at Common Law.

A P 1650