Page:Douay Rheims Bible 1635 edition.pdf/6

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red and vsed for most authentical aboue a thousand and three hundred yeares. For by this very terme S. Hierome calleth that Version the vulgate or common, in 49 Isaiawhich he conferred with the Hebrew of the old Testament, and with the Greeke of the New; which he also purged from faults committed by writers, rather amending then translating it. Though in regard of this amending, li. 20. c. 24 mora.
Epist. dedocat. ad Leandr.
li. 3. Doct Christ. c. 14. lib. 6
Etymol. c. 5. & li. I de Diuin offic. c. 12
S. Gregorie calleth it the new version of S. Hierome: who neuertheles in another place calleth the self-same, the old Latin Edition, iudging it most worthy to be followed. S. Augustin calleth it the Italian. Receiued by al ChurchesS. Isidorus witnesseth that S. Hieroms version was receiued and approved by al the Christian Churches. Turned into GreekeSophronius also a most learned man, seeing S. Hieroms Edition so much esteemed, not only of the Latins, but also of the Grecians, turned the Psalter and Prophets out of the same Latin into Greeke. Of latter times what shal we need to recite other most learned men, S. Bede, S. Anselme, S. Bernard, S. Thomas, S. Bonauenture, & the rest? Who al vniformly alledge this only text as authentical. Al others growne out of vse.Prefat. in Iosue.In so much that al other Latin Editions, which S. Hierome saith were in his time almost innumerable, are as it were fallen out of al Diuines hands, and growne out of credit and vse. S. Hierom excelled al other Doctours in translating & expounding holie Scriptures.If moreouer we consider S. Hieromes learning, pietie, diligence, and sincerity, together with the commodities he had of best copies in al languages then extant, and of other learned men with whom he conferred; and if we so compare the same with the best meanes that hath bene since, surely no man of indifferent iudgement, wil match any other Edition with S. Hieroms: but easily acknowledge with the whole Church Gods particular prouidence in this great Doctour, as wel for expounding, as most especially for the true text and Edition of Holy Scriptures. His Edition free from partialitie.Neither do we fly vnto this old Latin text for more aduantage: For, besides that it is free from partiality, as being most ancient of al Latin copies, and long before the particular Controuersies of these dayes began, the Hebrew also and the Greek when they are truly translated, Luc. 22. v. 20.
Prefat. Noui. Testam. Anno. 1556.
Luc. 1. v. 1.
yea and Erasmus his Latin, in sundrie places proue more plainly the Catholike Roman doctrine, then this which we rely vpon. Preferred before al other Editions by Beza.So that Beza and his followers take also exception against the Greeke, when Catholikes alledge it against them. Yea the same Beza preferreth the old Latin Version before al
