Page:Dramas 1.pdf/119

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When I forget to think of thee, dear father!
And, when I think of thee, thy words of kindness,
And words of counsel too, shall be remember'd.


Sweet child! stand back and let me look upon thee.

Ay; so she look'd. O! it is sweet in thee
To look so like thy mother, when mine eyes
Must take their last impression, as a treasure

Here (his hand on his heart) to be cell'd for ever. Many looks
Thy varying face was wont to wear, yet never,

But in some sad or pensive mood, assumed
The likeness of that countenance;—to me
Thy loveliest look; though, to all other eyes,
Thy mother's beauty never equall'd thine.


I still remember her: the sweetest face

That e'er I look'd upon. I oft recall it,
And strive to trace the features more distinctly.


Be good as she was; and when I am gone,

Never again let myst'ry and concealment,
Tempting the weakness of thy husband's nature,
Which but for this were noble, break the peace
And harmony of marriage.—For this oath—