Page:Dramas 1.pdf/120

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This fatal oath—he was constrain'd to take it.
Then so consider it, nor let it rankle
Within thy gentle breast: that were perverse.
When I am gone, all will again be well,
And I will write to thee and comfort thee.
Our minds shall still hold intercourse, dear Zada,
And that should satisfy.


Alas! alas!

When I shall read thy letters, my poor heart
Will but the more yearn after thee, dear father!
And pine to see thee. Suffer me to hope
That we shall meet again.—Call it not vain,
But suffer me to think——

Enter Nurse in alarm.

What is the matter?


You are discover'd: Don Romiero comes;

I heard his voice approaching through the trees.
I heard the hollow tread of many feet.

ZORADA (to Sebastian).

O fly! farewell!


Farewell, my dearest child!

Heaven bless and guard thee ever! O farewell!
[Embraces her, and exit.