Page:Dramas 1.pdf/302

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Yes; I have seen Henriquez

By Juen's sick-bed sit, night after night,
Like tenderest nurse watching her infant charge;
And then I've seen the tears course down his cheeks—
His youthful face all shrunk and pale with grief.
Such dear and manly friendship knew I never.

Enter Leonora and Carlos, followed by Diego, who then retires with Blas to the bottom of the Stage.

LEONORA (after a pause).

I think I hear him coming.


I think so too; yet grief is slow of foot,

And those are rapid strides like one in haste.

Enter Henriquez, who returns slight and sullen acknowledgments to their civilities, and going directly to a seat prepared for him, sits down without speaking.

BALTHAZER (to Henriquez, after a pause).

My Lord, here is a will, with other papers,

Which your deceased friend, my noble master,
Committed to my keeping six days since,
When he departed from his native home.
His ancient fav'rite hound howl'd piteously