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As from the gate we prick'd our steeds, and yet
We took no heed of it, nor thought, alas!
That he would ne'er return.—Please you, my Lord,
That it should first be read?


Proceed; I'll listen.


From the great love, above all men besides.

Which living he did bear you——


Nay, proceed;

There needs no prologue to it.

BALTHAZER (reading).

"The last will of me, Juen de Torva, written and signed by mine own hand, as these characters testify, is this. I bequeath to my beloved, my early, my only friend, Don Henriquez d'Altavera, the whole of my lands, my castles, my dependencies, my treasures, to be possessed by him and his heirs for ever; and for as much as I have more confidence in the wisdom and generous propriety of his judgment than my own, I leave those whose names (also by mine own hand) are herein written, to be provided for, as he, thinking and acting for me when I shall no longer be able to think and act for myself, shall deem right. These, with the last love and blessing of my heart I bequeath to him; desiring that