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And noble conduct, too, I hope, Don Pedro.

What is its plea?
(After reading the paper slightly.)
That he beneath a lady's window hath
A most audacious suitor slain, who there
Did charm her ear with love-sick ditties.—Slew him!
A harsh device to win the lady's favour;
Had she not ears to be again enthrall'd?
Another song had been a fitter weapon

Of opposition than a sword, methinks. (Giving the paper to a secretary.)
Note down that I will look on this again.

SECOND NOBLEMAN (giving a paper).

Deign, royal Sir, to look upon this paper.


Freely, Don Blas; from such a noble hand

It needs must be an honourable suit. (Reading the paper.)
Don Julian, of the noble house of Guzman,
Hath, by the cadet of a meaner house,
Been elbow'd from his place, who most nefariously

Refused to yield to him the dexter side. (Reading on more slightly.)
Honour repair'd—that he be forced—a blow! (Shaking his head.)