Page:Dramas 1.pdf/346

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We are too learned in this ancient kingdom.
Nay, reverend Prelate, no offence to you;
The Clergy stand acquitted of this charge.


I know not how to comprehend your Highness.


We should be spared full many a deadly broil,

Did we not know our right hand from our left.
We are in this, good sooth! too nicely learn'd,
Which doth but scantily, in my opinion,
Supply the want of every other lore.

SECOND NOBLEMAN (aside to first).

Never may I again i' th' royal presence

Wear hat and plume, if this is not derision.


'T is Don Henriquez we may thank for this.

He spoke not to us thus when the arm'd Moor
Was nearer to his doors.

KING (to Prelate).

And now, my Lord, let me receive your paper.


Most humbly to your Highness I present it,

From pious men, whose prayers are offer'd up
For your prosperity. (Gives the paper.)

KING (reading it slightly).

"That the free hinds of Tormes and their wives

Refuse their wonted offerings to the convent,