Page:Dramas 1.pdf/347

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And therefore humbly—the adjoining lands—
A royal compensation."—So it runs.
And it must cost me many a fruitful field,
Because those villagers love fatted pullets,
As well as sober, self-denying monks!
This also at our leisure we'll consider.

(Gives the paper to the Secretary, and sitting down, receives other petitions, when a confused noise is heard.)

What noise is that without?

Enter an Officer.


May 't please you, Don Henriquez waits without.


Henriquez, my brave general? How is this?


He comes attended by a goodly train,

Guarding a prisoner, and humbly begs
To be admitted to the royal presence,
Before your court shall sit.


Most willingly: say, I am ready now

To give him audience.[Exit Officer.
I marvel much
How it should be. In this unwonted form
To bring his prisoner!—But here he comes.