Page:Dramas 1.pdf/350

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To royal clemency,—however strongly
Entreated so to do.


This much amazes me. Ever till now,

Thou 'st been inclined to mercy, not to blood.


Yea; but this criminal, with selfish cruelty,

With black ingratitude, with base disloyalty
To all that sacred is in virtuous ties,
Knitting man's heart to man——What shall I say?

I have no room to breathe. (Tearing open his doublet with violence.)
He had a friend,

Ingenuous, faithful, generous, and noble:
Ev'n but to look on him had been full warrant
Against th' accusing tongue of man or angel
To all the world beside,—and yet he slew him.
A friend whose fost'ring love had been the stay,
The guide, the solace of his wayward youth,—
Love steady, tried, unwearied,—yet he slew him.
A friend, who in his best devoted thoughts,
His happiness on earth, his bliss in heaven,
Intwined his image, and could nought devise
Of separate good,—and yet he basely slew him;
Rush'd on him like a ruffian in the dark,
And thrust him forth from life, from light, from nature,
Unwitting, unprepared for th' awful change