Page:Dramas 1.pdf/351

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Death brings to all. This act so foul, so damned,
This he hath done: therefore upon his head
Let fall the law's unmitigated justice.


And wherefore doubt'st thou that from such a man

I will withhold all grace? Were he my brother
I would not pardon him. Produce your criminal.

(Those who have Antonio in custody lead him forward.)

HENRIQUEZ (motioning with his hand to forbid them).

Undo his shackles; he is innocent.


What meaneth this? Produce your criminal.

HENRIQUEZ (kneeling).

My royal Master, he is at your feet.

(A cry of astonishment is heard through the hall; the King, staggering back from the spot is supported by an Attendant, while Carlos and Antonio, now free from his fetters, run to Henriquez, who continues kneeling, and bend over him in deep concern.)

KING (recovering).

A fearful shock! Mine ears are ringing still.
Rise, Don Henriquez d'Altavero, rise. (Turning away his head.)