Page:Dramas 1.pdf/39

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Having no care thyself, thou art incredulous
Of any cause which others have for care.
To speak to thee of what I feel is folly,
Though, from long habitude, I needs must do it.
Thou hast no sympathy, and yet my heart
Clings to thee as a friend.


Nay; fie upon thee!

Thou knowest full well that to the world's end
I'd run to serve thee, though my pliant lip
Cannot approve of all thy fleeting notions.
But we'll debate no more on things so irksome.
I came to say that Maurice hath invited me
To see some curious cave which yesterday
He first discover'd, as along the shore
In quest of sea-birds' eggs he idly wander'd.


Has he been here so long?


Doubtless he has. It is a curious sight

This fairy cave, as he described it to me:
I shall be absent for an hour or so;
Perhaps, a little longer. [Exit.

ROMIERO (alone).

He is fortunate,

Who can but charge a young and lively wife
With too much duteous love for her old father!
The smile that follow'd too,—that had its meaning.