Page:Dramas 1.pdf/40

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Lame and not lame, and leaning on his arm!
The stroke darts through me like an adder's sting,
Though but so slightly given.

Re-enter Guzman with Maurice.


Maurice is come with me to tempt thee out,

If we may be so bold. The fairy cave
Is a short ride from hence, the day is cool,
And we will wait thy pleasure.


I pray you be entreated, good my Lord.


I thank ye both; I mean to stay at home.


What! here alone, the ladies being retired?

On such a day as this, when the blue waves
Heaving and sinking in the sunny gleam,
Show all the changes of their crisped sides
Like the seam'd foldings of a silken robe;
When every sea-bird is upon the wing
Skimming and diving for his finny prey;
When distant vessels, tacking to the breeze,
Seem dames whose snowy kirtles are stretch'd out
To the slow measure of some courtly dance;—
On such a day as this to stay at home
In gloomy chambers pent——