Page:Dramas 1.pdf/458

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Ay, now thou list'nest, as a man should listen,

With an inquiring mind. Let me produce
The proofs which have constrain'd me to believe,
From written lore and well attested facts;—
Let me produce my proofs, and it may be
The Spirit of Truth may touch thy yielding heart,
And save thee from destruction.


Ha! dost thou think to make of me a convert?

Away, weak fool! and most audacious rebel!
Give proofs of thy obedience, not thy faith,
If thou wouldst earn thy pardon.


If thou condemn me in the flames to die,

I will and must obey thee; if to live,
Disgraced by pardon won thro' treachery
To God, my King supreme, and his bless'd Christ,
I am, indeed, thy disobedient rebel.


And shall as such most dearly pay the forfeit.

Out!—take him from my presence till the time
Of public execution.
Cordenius Maro, thou shalt fall this day
By no ignoble foe;—a noble lion
Famish'd and fierce shall be thy adversary.
And dost thou smile and raise thy head at this,
In stately confidence?