Page:Dramas 1.pdf/459

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God will deliver me from every adversary.

And thou too smilest.—Yes; he will deliver
That which I call myself. For this poor form
Which vests me round, I give it to destruction
As gladly as the storm-beat traveller,
Who, having reached his destined place of shelter,
Drops at the door his mantle's cumbrous weight.

NERO (going).

Then to thy visionary hopes I leave thee,

Incorrigible man! Here, in this chamber
Keep him secure till the appointed hour.
(To the Officers, &c.)
Off, good Sulpicius! hang not on me thus!


O, mighty Caesar! countermand your orders:

Delay it but a month, a week, a day.

[Exeunt Nero, Sulpicius, Senators, &c. Sulpicius still keeping close to Nero in the act of supplication.Orceres, Cordenius, and Guards remain, the Guards standing respectfully at a distance in the back-ground.


Noble Cordenius! can thy martial spirit

Thus brook to be a public spectacle,
Fighting with savage beasts, the sport of fools,
Till thou shalt fall, deformed and horrible,
Mangled and piece-meal torn? It must not be.