Page:Dramas 1.pdf/461

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Thou must receive with a far different spirit

The faith of Jesus Christ. Perhaps thou wilt.
My heart leaps at the thought. When I am dead,
Remain in Rome no longer. In the East
Search thou for Ethocles, whom I have rescued;
And if he shall convert thee, O, how richly
He will repay all I have done for him!
—But, I would now withdraw a little space,
To pour my thoughts in prayer and thankfulness
To Him, the great, the good, the wise, the just,
Who holds man's spirit in his own high keeping,
And now supports my soul, and will support it,
Till my appointed task is done. In secret
The hearts by Jesus taught were bid to pray,
And, if it be permitted, so will I.

(To the Guards, who advance as he speaks to them.)

My guards, and, some time past, my fellow-soldiers,

Let me remain alone a little while,
And fear not my escape. If ye distrust me,
Watch well the door, and bind my hands with chains.


Yes, brave Cordenius, to another chamber

Thou may'st retire, and we will watch without.
But be thy person free: we will not bind,
With felon cord or chain, those valiant hands,
Which have so often for thy country fought,
Until we are commanded.