Page:Dramas 1.pdf/462

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I thank ye all, my friends, and I believe

That I shall meet and thank ye too hereafter;
For there is something in you God must love,
(To First Officer.) And, loving, will not give to reprobation.
Codrus, thou once didst put thy life in hazard,
And suffer much to save a helpless Greek
Who sought protection of thee.
(Turning to the Second Officer.) Ay, and thou,
Young Lelius, once a rich and tempting ransom
Didst freely to a captive wretch remit.
Ye are of those whom Jesus came to save:
Yes; we shall meet hereafter.

(To Third Officer.) And thou, my former enemy, weepest thou?
We're enemies no more; thou art my brother.

I will retire; my little term of life
Runs fleetly on; I must not spend it thus.


A crowded Amphitheatre: Nero and the Senators discovered in the back-ground sitting in state; Portia, by the side of Nero, in the act of supplication.

Enter Sulpicius on the front, meeting with another noble Roman.

SULPICIUS (eagerly).

Is he advancing?