Page:Dramas 1.pdf/468

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With all her high estates, are but as insects
Hov'ring at mid-day o'er some tainted marsh.
I know full well that no ignoble audience
Are present, though from mortal eyes conceal'd.
Farewell, my friends! kind, noble friends, farewell!

(Apart to Sylvius, while Orceres goes off, re-appearing in another part of the theatre.)

Sylvius farewell! If thou should'st e'er be call'd
To die a holy Martyr for the truth,
God give thee then the joy which now I feel.
But keep thy faith conceal'd, till useful service
Shall call thee to maintain it. God be with thee!

(Looking round.) Where is Orceres gone? I thought him near me.


'T is but a moment since he left thy side

With eager haste.


He would not see my death. I'm glad he's gone.

Say I inquired for him, and say I bless'd him.
—Now I am ready. Earthly friends are gone.
Angels and blessed spirits! to your fellowship
A few short pangs will bring me.
—O, Thou, who didst upon the Cross for us
A willing suff'rer die! receive my soul!
Almighty God and Sire, supreme o'er all!
Pardon my sins and take me to Thyself!