Page:Dramas 1.pdf/469

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Accept the last words of my earthly lips:
High hallelujah to thy holy name!

[A Lion now appears, issuing from a low door at the end of the Stage, and Cordenius, advancing to meet it, enters the Arena, when Orceres from a lofty stand amongst the spectators, sends an arrow from his bow, which pierces Cordenius through the heart. He then disappears, and re-entering below, catches hold of his hand as Sylvius supports him from falling to the ground.

ORCERES (to Cordenius).

Have I done well, my friend?—this is a death

More worthy of a Roman.
I made a vow in secret to my heart,
That thou shouldst ne'er be made a mangled sight
For gazing crowds and Nero's ruthless eye.


That dying look, which almost smiles upon thee,

Says that thou hast done well; though words no more
May pass from these closed lips, whose last, bless'd utterance
Was the soul's purest and sublimest impulse.

[The Curtain drops.