and we see further that vanishes identically unless . If be infinite and
we have the symbolic identity
Instead of the above symbols we may use equivalent differential operators. Thus let
and let be equivalent quantities. Any function of differences of being formed, the expansion being carried out, an operand or or being taken and being subsequently put equal to , a non-unitary symmetric function will be produced.
Ex. gr.
The whole theory of these forms is consequently contained implicitly in the operation
Symmetric Functions of Several Systems of Quantities.—It will suffice to consider two systems of quantities as the corresponding theory for three or more systems is obtainable by an obvious enlargement of the nomenclature and notation.
Taking the systems of quantities to be
we start with the fundamental relation
As shown by L. Schläfli[1] this equation may be directly formed and exhibited as the resultant of two given equations, and an arbitrary linear non-homogeneous equation in two variables. The right-hand side may be also written
The most general symmetric function to be considered is
conveniently written in the symbolic form
Observe that the summation is in regard to the expressions obtained by permuting the suffixes The weight of the function is bipartite and consists of the two numbers and the symbolic expression of the symmetric function is a partition into biparts (multiparts) of the bipartite (multipartite) number Each part of the partition is a bipartite number, and in representing the partition it is convenient to indicate repetitions of parts by power symbols. In this notation the fundamental relation is written
where in general
All symmetric functions are expressible in terms of the quantities in a rational integral form; from this property they are termed elementary functions; further they are said to be single-unitary since each part of the partition denoting involves but a single unit.
The number of partitions of a biweight into exactly biparts is given (after Euler) by the coefficient of in the expansion of the generating function
The partitions with one bipart correspond to the sums of powers in the single system or unipartite theory; they are readily expressed in terms of the elementary functions. For write and take logarithms of both sides of the fundamental relation; we obtain
From this formula we obtain by elementary algebra
corresponding to Thomas Waring’s formula for the single system. The analogoous formula appertaining to systems of quantities which express in terms of elementary functions can be at once written down.
Ex. gr. We can verify the relations
The formula actually gives the expression of by means of separations of
which is one of the partitions of This is the true standpoint from which the theorem should be regarded. It is but a particular case of a general theory of expressibility.
To invert the formula we may write
and thence derive the formula—
which expresses the elementary function in terms of the single bipart functions. The similar theorem for systems of quantities can be at once written down.
It will be shown later that every rational integral symmetric function is similarly expressible.
The Function.—As the definition of we take
and now expanding the right-hand side
the summation being for all partitions of the biweight. Further writing
we find that the effect of changing the signs of both and is merely to interchange the symbols and hence in any relation connecting the quantities with the quantities we are at liberty to interchange the symbols and By the exponential and multinomial theorems we obtain the results—
Differential Operations.—If, in the identity
we multiply each side by the right-hand side becomes
hence any rational integral function of the coefficients say is converted into
The rule over will serve to denote that is to be raised to the various powers symbolically as in Taylor’s theorem.
now, since the introduction of the new quantities results in the addition to the function of the new terms
we find
and thence
while unless the part is involved in We may then state that is an operation which obliterates one part when such part is present, but in the contrary case causes the function to