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we may write in general

the summation being for every partition of and being

Ex. gr. To operate with upon we have

and hence

Application to Symmetric Function Multiplication.—An example will explain this. Suppose we wish to find the coefficient of in the product .



every other term disappearing by the fundamental property of Since

we have:—

where ultimately disappearing terms have been struck out. Finally

The operator which is satisfied by every symmetric fraction whose partition contains no unit (called by Cayley non-unitary symmetric functions), is of particular importance in algebraic theories. This arises from the circumstance that the general operator

is transformed into the operator by the substitution

so that the theory of the general operator is coincident with that of the particular operator For example, the theory of invariants may be regarded as depending upon the consideration of the symmetric functions of the differences of the roots of the equation

and such functions satisfy the differential equation

For such functions remain unaltered when each root receives the same infinitesimal increment but writing for causes to become respectively and becomes

and hence the functions satisfy the differential equation. The important result is that the theory of invariants is from a certain point of view coincident with the theory of non-unitary symmetric functions of the roots of are symmetric functions of differences of the roots of

and on the other hand that symmetric functions of the differences of the roots of

are non-unitary symmetric functions of the roots of

An important notion in the theory of linear operators in general is that of MacMahon’s multilinear operator (“Theory of a Multilinear partial Differential Operator with Applications to the Theories of Invariants and Reciprocants,” Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. t. xviii. (1886), pp. 61-88). It is defined as having four elements, and is written

the coefficient of being The operators are seen to be and respectively. Also the operator of the Theory of Pure Reciprocents (see Sylvester Lectures of the New Theory of Reciprocants, Oxford, 1888) is

It will be noticed that

The importance of the operator consists in the fact that taking any two operators of the system

the operator equivalent to


and we conclude that quâ “alternation” the operators of the system form a “group.” It is thus possible to study simultaneously all the theories which depend upon operations of the group.

Symbolic Representation of Symmetric Functions.—Denote the elementary symmetric function by at pleasure; then, taking equal to we may write


Further, let

so that

and, by multiplication,

Denote by brackets and symmetric functions of the quantities and respectively. Then

Expanding the right-hand side by the exponential theorem, and then expressing the symmetric functions of which arise, in terms of we obtain by comparison with the middle series the symbolical representation of all symmetric functions in brackets appertaining to the quantities To obtain particular theorems the quantities are auxiliaries which are at our entire disposal. Thus to obtain Stroh’s theory of seminvariants put

we then obtain the expression of non-unitary symmetric functions of the quantities as functions of differences of the symbols

Ex. gr. with must be a term in

and since we must have

as is well known.

Again, if be the roots of and leading to
