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Page:EB1911 - Volume 28.djvu/509

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given to the scholars in Standards IV., V., VI. and VII. As a preparation for this it is stated in the Code that it will be useful to give in Standard III. (arithmetic) elementary lessons on the notation of decimal fractions. (See Arithmetic.)

Table of The Principal Foreign Weights and Measures now in use, and of their Equivalents in Imperial or in Metric Weights and Measures.
Almunde Portugal 16·8 litres.
Anoman (Ammomam,
Ceylon 0·699 quarter (dry measure) 5·60 bushels.
Ara Italy 1 metric are, 119·6 sq. yards.
Archin, or Arshin Turkey 1 new archin (Law 1881)=1 metre (39·37 inches)= 10 parmaks (decimeters)=100 khats (centimetres). 1 mill=1000 archins (kilometre). Pharoagh=10 mills. Another pharoagh=2 hours’ journey.
Archin Bulgaria 0·758 metre (masons)
0·680 metre (tailors).
Archine, or Archinne Russia 28 inches, or 0·7112 metre.
Ardeb Egypt 5·447 bushels (Customs). 5 bushels (old measure).
Are =100 sq. metres=119·6 sq. yds.
Area Spain 1 metric are.
Arpent France Legal arpent was equal to 100 sq. perches=51·07 metric ares. in Quebec=180 French feet.
Arroba Portugal 14·68 to 15 kilogrammes.
Spain Mayor=3·55 gallons, or 1 cantara.
Artaba Persia 1·809 bushel.
 Menor=2·76 gallons (liquids).
Aune Belgium 1 metre. Formerly 1·312 yard.
France 1·885 metre (1812).
Jersey 4 feet.
Barilo Rome 12·834 gallons.
Bat, or Tikal Siam 234 grains.
Persia 61/2 ℔ av.; varies locally.
Turkey =10 ocks.
Behär Arabia 439·45 ℔ av. nearly.
Berri Turkey 1·084 mile (old measure).
Boisseau Belgium 15 litres.
Boutylka Russia 1·353 pint (wine bottle).
Braça Portugal 2·22 meters.
Braccio Spain 0·670 metre (commercial).
Rome Braccio-d’ara=29·528 inches.
Brasse France 5·328 feet.
Braza Argentina 5·682 feet
Bu, or tsubo Japan 3·0306 sq. metres
Bushel USA 2150·42 cubic inches, about 0·96944 imperial bushel.
1 bushel=8 gallons=32 quarts=64 pints
Bunder Netherlands 2·471 acres (old hectare).
Cabot Jersey 10 pots, or 4 gallons, 1 quart, 3 gills imperial measure.
Candy Bombay 560 ℔ av.
Madras 493·7 ℔ av.
Cantar Turkey 124·7 ℔ av. (old weight).
Cantara piccolo Italy 74·771 ℔ av.
Capicha Persia 0·58 gallon.
Catty China 11/3 ℔. av. see Tael.
N. Borneo 11/3 ℔.
Siam 2·675 ℔ av., or 1/50 hap.
Cownie Madras 1·322 acre.
Cental U. States 100 ℔ av. (As in Great Britain).
Centigramme 1/100 grm=0·154 grain.
Centilitre 1/100 litre=0·07 gill.
Centimeter =0·394 inch.
Centimeter, cubic (c.c.) =0·061 cubic inch.
Centimeter, square =0·155 square inch.
Centner Austria 50 kilogrammes=110·231 ℔ av.
Denmark 50 kilogrammes=110·231 ℔ av.
Switzerland 50 kilogrammes=110·231 ℔.
Chain Canada 66 feet.
Cyprus 0·33 pic.
Chang China 10 ch’ih=11 ft. 9 in. (Treaty).
Siam 2·675 ℔.
Chapah N. Borneo 14/5 ℔ av.
Chee. See Tahil.
Chek Hong Kong 145/8 inches.
Chenica Persia 0·289 gallon.
Ch'ien China 581/3 grains (silver weight).
Ch’ih China Varies throughout China from 11 to 15·8 inches. For customs purposes the Treaty ch'ih=14·1 inches, and 5 ch’ih=1 pu.
Ch’ih Peking =12·3 or 12·5 for public works.
=12·4 statistics.
=12·6 architects.
=12·7 common.
=13·1 tribunal of mathematics.
Shanghai =13·2 Board of Revenue.
=14·1 Customs.
Chilogramme Italy 1 kilogramme.
Chin or Catty China 11/3 ℔ av. (Treaty).
Ching China 121 sq. feet (Treaty).
Ch’ing China 72,600 sq.ft.(Treaty).
Chittack Bengal 5 tolas or 900 grains.
Ch’ok Corea 73/4 in. (linear) 121/8 in. (building).
Chüo China 1815 sq. ft. (Treaty).
Chupah Singapore 1·66 ℔. av. of water at 62°F., as a measure of capacity.
Malacca 144 oz av. of water.
Chupak Straits Settlements 1 quart.
Collothun Persia 1·809 gallon.
Coss Bengal 1·136 metre.
Covado Portugal 0·66 metre.
Covid, or Cubit Madras 18 to 21 inches.
Bombay 18 inches.
Siam 18 inches.
Covido Arabia 18 inches approximately.
Covido (Great) 27 inches.
Cuartillo Spain 1·16 litre (dry); 0·504 l. liquid.
Daktylon (Royal) Greece 1 centimeter.
Darilah Egypt 43·58 bushels (Customs).
Decagramme =10 grams=5·64 drams av.
Decalitre =10 litres=2·2 gallons.
Decametre =10·936 yards.
Déçiatina Russia =2400 square sagènes=2·7 acres.
Decigramme 1/10 grm.=1·54 grain.
Decilitre 1/10 litres=0·176 pint.
Decimetre =3·937 inches=0·1 metre.
Decimetre, cubic =1000 c.c.=61·024 cub. in.
Decimetre, square =100 sq. cm.=15·5 sq. in.
Denaro Rome 18·17 grains (old weight).
Deunam Turkey 1 metric are
Dira or Drâa Egypt 27 inches usually.
or Pic 21·3 inches, Nile measure.
Turkey 27 inches, (old measure of pike).
Dirhem Egypt 1·761 dram av. (Customs)
3·0884 grammes (Cairo).
Djerib Turkey 1 hectare.
Dolia or Dola Russia 0·686 grain.
96 doli=1 zolotnick.
Drachma Netherlands 3·906 grammes.
Turkey 154·324 grains.
Drachme (Royal) Greece 1 gramme (gold weight).
Constantinople =57·871 grains. See Ock.
Dram. See Oke.
Ducat Vienna 53·873 grains.
Duim Netherlands 1 centimetre.
Eimer Austria 12·448 gallons.
El Netherlands 1 metre. (Old ell=27·08 inches).
Ell Jersey 4 feet.
Ella N. Borneo 1 yard.
Elle Switzerland 0·6561 yard.
Endaseh, or Hindâzì Egypt Usually 25 inches.
Faltche Moldavia 1 hectare, 43 ares, 22 centiares.
Fanega Argentina 3·773 bushels.
Portugal 55·364 litres.
Spain 1·526 bushel.
Peru 11/2 bushel
1·616 acre, but varies locally.
Fass Germany 1 hectolitre.
1·038 acre (Masri). Also 1·127 acre locally.
1·266 acre (old).
Fen China 5·83 grains (silver weight).
Fjerdingkar Denmark 0·9564 bushel.
Fod Denmark 1·0297 foot.
Norway 0·3137 metre.
Foglietto Rome 0·8 pint.
Foot U. States 12 inches.
Canada French foot=12·8 inches.
Amsterdam 11·147 in. (old measure.)
South Africa
Old Rhemish 12·356 in. (old measure.)