Page:EB1922 - Volume 32.djvu/1191

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a, b, c, and d following page numbers represent the four
consecutive quarters of a page.

Amerongen, Holl. 31-273d.


30-118c; 31-836d; 32-271a.

Amherst.Can. 30-548a;31-1161a.

Amiens, Fr. 31-83a, 109b, 852a;

32-519b, 978b, 1003a; battles

(1914) 32-979c, 980a; battle

(Aug. 1918) 32-518C, 519b,


Amigny, Fr. 32-519b.

Amino-acids 30-644a.

Aminopentane: see Piperidine.

AMIR ALI, SEYYID, 30-118d.

Amiskwia sofjiltiformis Walcott

1 32-12, Plate I.

Amaman, Pal. 31-362d; 32-762d,

|822d, 1006a.

1 mmerzweiler, Fr. 31-158 (E3).

I nuuonal 30-120d, 121b; 31-51d.

Ammonia 30-359b, 633d; 31-

I 1136b; Haber process 30-73b;

I soda process 30-633d.

i mmonium chloride: see Sal am-

I moniac.

i - nitrate 31-51a.

1 - perchlorate 31-51d.

i] - sulphate 30-713a; 31-1137a.

Immon powder 31-1037b.

AMMUNITION 30-1 lUa; 32-

t277d, 774c; Central Powers

I 31-1033b; storage 30-719a;

1 Sl-S30d; supply 30-261a;

I Western Front 31-1025d foil.

I (tables). See also Fuzes; Pro-

I jectile; Shell.

I column 30-261a.

|i moebic dysentery 30-873a; 32-

I laid.

Imorim, Massano de 32-Kil.l.

lltuorphous metal 31-928a.

I iiosite 31-949b. Bmoy, China 30-660a. I-npfercr, O. 31-214b. .(nphiWa 32-13b.

It nphidroniic points 32-725a. llAmphion" (warship) 31-1068d. Knpufier (tel.): see Magnifier. Hmran, Arab. 30-166a. Bnritsar, India 30-1026b; 31- j!441c.

BuBterdam, Holl. 31-375d; air route 31-119c; Stock Exchange

32-57Sa. . N.Y. 31-11140.

MUNDSEN, ROALD 30-i:)i'.li, ]'. 139d, 190c.

Itnur, prov., Russ.As. 32-467b. II , riv., Asia 32-468C.

II railway 32-469b.

' nuseinents tax 30-1012a. llnygdalin 30-(>41c.

(labolism 32-102d, 648d. lliaconda, Mont. 30-7ula; Si- ll 976d. II Copper Mining Co. 30-751c,


iiaemia, aplastic 31-464a.

waerobes 30-362c.

uesthesia, regional 30-136c;


. 'AESTHETICS 30-l:ific; 32-

! Jti4d.

liainvillers, Fr. 32-518c.

Kialgesia: see Anaesthesia, re- gional.

tialytic continuation 31-8770.

[ auiorphosis 31-1140b.

l.aphylatoxin 30-362b.

Laphyliixis 30-645a, 362b.

liapsida 32-15a.

iarchical and Revolutionary

Crimes Act (1919) 31-439a.

I archUts, alien 32-S98c.

latolia, Asia M. 30-177d, 66b.

I aza (tribe) 30-170a.

I cestor worship: China 30-656a,

>562c. chorage, Alsk. 30-103b.

II is!., Pac.O. 32-2a.

|fcchor-Don?.ldson Line 32-457d.

I chor Line 32-457d.

I, cient Monuments Act (1913) ^10-U78b; 32-561d. I, ICONA, ALESSANDRO, 30-

II U8a.

I cona, It. 31-619d, 632d. tore, riv., Fr. 30-268 IV. (A5); Btt-516 (C2-A7); fighting on 2-980b, 515b foil., 986d, 30- |;!75a, 32-52;ib, 51 Ib.

II cud, Chile 30-654d. I dalusitc 31-948b. Jjdechy, Fr. 32-521a.

I denne, Belg. 30-434a. lldersen, Tryggve 31-1 156b.

DERSON, ELIZABETH larrett 30-Ki8a. John August 30-298d. > Sir Kenneth Skelton 32-458a.

II Louisa Garrett S2-1058d. I Mary R.: see Macarthur. I Peter 30-103b.

It R. M. 30-189d.

BIB R. ROWAND, 30-138h. K William C. 31-S17C, 706a,

106c. uierson, S.C. 32-547c.

les, mts., S.Am. 81-208c,

14c, 212d.

Andijan, Russ.As. 32-801a. ANDORRA, state, Pyrenees 30-


Andoy, fort, Belg. 31-1049a. ANDRASSY, JULIUS, count 30-

138c, 343a; 31-408a. ANDREE, RICHARD 30-138d. Andrewes, E. C. 31-215b. , Sir Frederick 31-489a. Andrews, Charles W. 32-12c. Anecho, W.Af.: see Little Popo. Aneiza (Aneza), Arab. 30-167b. Anemometer 30-28a, 29c. Angeli, Diego 31-6 12a. Angell, James Burrill 31-942a. , JAMES BO WLAND 30-138d. Angerapp, riv., Ger. 30-8881.

(E4), 887d, 891d; 31-871b. Angerburg, Ger. 30-888 I. (E4);

battle of 31-869b. Angers, Fr. 31-117 (B2i, 109b. Angina pectoris 31-350a, 547b. Angiosperms, fossil 30-482b. Anglemont, Fr. 31-161b. Anglesey, isl., Wales 32-840b. Anglican Church: see Church of

England. Anglo-Catholic Congress (1920)


Egyptian Bank 30-399d.

Indians Sl-444b; S0-678d.

Japanese Alliance 31-650d, 318c; 30-507d.

Persian Agreement (1919) 32- 63c.

Persian Oil Co. 32-59d; 31- 1099d; 32-385a.

Peruvian Amazon Rubber Co. 32-213d; 30-586d.

Russian Agreement (1907) 32-63c; S0-65a.

Russian Hospital 32-1062a. Angmagssalik, Green. 30-189b. Angol, Chil. 30-654d. ANGOLA 30-138d, 69a; S2-75d. Angora, Asia M. 30-201b; 32-


Angouleme, Fr. 31-117 (B3). Angres, Fr. 30-268 III. (C2); 31- 266c.

Angstrom, Anders 31-931C. Anguillara, It. 31-600 (C6). Angviller, Fr. Sl-160c. Anhalt, terr., Ger. 31-232b foil. Aniline dyes, surgical use 31-

237c; 30-155b; 31-907d.

potassium 32-299d. Animals, domestic 32-9560. Anjoutey, Fr. 31-158 (B3). Ankershavn, Nor. 31-1 153a. Ankylosis 31-1218d.

Annam, prov., Fr.I.C. 31-457b. Annan, Scot. 31-773a. Annandale. Nelson 32-1133d. Annapolis, Md.31-862c; 32-901c. Annealing: glass 31-285d, 291c;

steel 30- 125d. Annecy, Fr. 31-117 (D3). Annelid 32-12, Plate I. Annelida 30-974d. Anneux, Fr. 30-536a (C3); 31-


Anniston, Ala. SO-lOOd. Annopol, Pol. 30-888 II. (El). Annunzio, Gabriele d' : see

D'Annunzio. Anopheles Sl-896b. Anorthite S2-84c. Anoxaemia 31-902C. Anozel, Fr. 31-161d. Anrep, Boris 32-9a. Anschutz, Richard 30-733c. Anshi, Sakh. 32-345a. ANSON, SIR WILLIAM B. 30-

139d; 31-726a.

Anspacher, Louis K. 30-117d. Antananarivo, Madag. 31-118d. Antarctic Ocean 31-1 169c.

REGIONS 30-139d; climate 30-705a; medal Sl-889c; mete- orology 31-932a; palaeobotany 30-483C.

Antares (astron.) 30-298a. Antenna (wireless): see Aerial. Anth6e, Belg. 31-169b. Antheuil, Fr. Sl-1162d. Anthilly, Fr. 31-857b. Anthocyans 30-478a. Anthoine, Francois Paul 30-608d. Anthracite 30-7 lOd. Anthraquinone 30-960b. Anthropo^geography 31-2080. Anthropoid apes 32-15d. ANTHROPOLOGY 30-143C. Anthropometry 32-849a. Anti-aircraft defences: see under

Air Defence.

Antibes, Fr. 31-117 (E4). Anti-Compact Laws Sl-502o. Anticyclone 31-930d. Anti-flash charge 30-127d. Antigonish, Can. Sl-1161b. Antigua, isl., W.I. S2-1005a. Antimony: medical uses S2-87D.

sulphide Sl-673b.

tartrate S0-456d. Antioch, Syr. 3-654a. Anti-Partition League (Ire.) 31-


Anti-Saloon League 32- ITL'a.

scorbutic factor 32-931c.

Semitism: Hungary 31-415d. ANTISEPTICS 30-154b; 31-

907c, 899d; aniline 30-526b; soil 30-359a; typhus 32-826d. Anti-suffragism 32-1034d.

tank guns 32-695d. Antitoxin treatment: see Serum

treatment; Vaccine Therapy. Anti-Trust Act Sl-546a. waste movement 30-1021b,

1026a; 31-784d, 70c. Antofagasta, Chil. 30-653d, 654d,

469a. , prov., Chil. 30-654b.

and Oruro railway 30-468a. ANTOINE, ANDRE 30-1550. Antonov: see Lukin, N. Antrim, co., Ire. 32-841d; 31-


Antung, China 31-838b.

ANTWERP (Anvers), Belg. 30- 161 (map); 32-1004a, 970 (Fl); 30-1550, 431b; 32-976d; cita- del 32-470c; fortress 30- 155d, 32-17 i .; Olympic games 32-564a; refugees 32-1063c; siege of (1914) SO-l.wd, 32- 479d, 31-1007b, 844d; water- ways 31-373d.

Anura 32-13c.

Anvers, Belg.: see Antwerp.

Anvil Wood, Fr. 32-525a.

Anyox, B.C. 30-506b.

Anyui, Russ.As. 32-468b.

Anzac Cove, Gallipoli Penin. 30- 803 (map); 30-801b; 31-1075a.

" Anzacs " 30-309b.

Anzani engine 30-38b.

AOSTA, E. F., duke of 30-163c, 575a; 31-597a.

Aottt, mt., Fr. 31-857d.

Apenrade, Ger. 31-277d.

Aphides 30-479b.

Apia, Pac.O. 32-2c.

Apollo Clarius: temple 30-182d.

Apostolic Christian Church 30- 692a.

Faith Movement 30-692a. Appalachian, mts., U.S. 32-72o. Apples 32-856d. Appointments Department 30-

819d. APPONYI, ALBERT, Count

30-163d; 31-411c. Appraisal Boards 32-146d. Apprenticeship 31-668a ; 30-821d;

S2-968c; Joint Industrial Coun- cils U.S. Sl-699a. Approved societies 30-989c; 31-

345c, 693d. Apra, Pac.O. 31-322b. Apremont 32-1032 (C3). Apr&s midi d'un Faune (ballet)


Apron defence 30-55d, 99b. Apsheron, cape, Cauc. 30-355d. Apsides, line of 31-1168d. Aqiq (Akik), water course, Arab.


Aquileia, It. 31-600 (E5). "Aquitania " (liner) 32-436, Plate

IV.; 32-383d, 455c, 447a; 30-

744c. ARABIA 30-1(13.1. 166a; 32-

1223a; history 30-166a, 31-

362d; trade 30-168d. "Arabic" (liner) 32-606C. Arabinose 30-640b. ARABI PASHA 30-176b. Arabistan, prov., Pers. 32-67d. Arabs 31-916c; East Africa 30-

876a; Italo-Turkish War 31-

613c; Panislamism 32-26d;

Syria 32-653d, 17b. Arad, Hung. Sl-406a. Aramuni (people): see Vlachs. Arana, Julio C. 32-214a. Arangar, Ang. 32-132a. Aranyos, riv., Rum. 32-302d. Araquistain, Luis. 32-558c. Araucaplumas, Colom. 30-722c. Araucarineae 30-482d. Arauco, prov., Chile 30-65*0. Arbanitopoullos, Apostolos S.


Arbawa, Mor. Sl-986c. Arbeiterdichtuna 31-226C. Arbeiterzeiluno 30-5c, 419a. ABBER, EDWARD 30-170b. Edward A. N. S0-481b. ARBITRATION AND CON-

cUiation 30-170b; 31-459b;

compulsory 30-171a, 31-721b,

32-748c; European legislation

30-174d; U.S. S0-175b. , Boards of 30-171b: 31-390b. , international 31-533c; League

of Nations Sl-737c; Treaties

S-884d, 889d; shipping 31-

496b; U.S. S0-513d, Sl-785o. ARBUTHNOT, SIB ROBERT

Keith 30-176d. Arc, electric 32-1023c; petrology

32-Sld; welding by 32-965a,


Arc generator 32-1023c.

incandescent electric lamp 31- 765d.

Arcadia, dist., Gr. 31-300c. ARCH, JOSEPH 30-177a. ARCHAEOLOGY 30-177a;

Egypt and Western Asia 30-

149b, 31-922a; Greece 30-180d. Archaeopteryx 32-14a. Archangel, Russ. 31-72c, 950d,

10S6D; 32-326a. Archbishops' Committee (1913)


Archenteron 30-969b. Archer, Sir G. F. 30-67a; 32-509b. Archery 32-312b, 567c. Archibald, J. F. 30-312b. , J. F. J. 32-1083a. ABCHITECTUBE 30-183d,

149a. Arc lamp 31-765a.

lines 32-558d.

ARCTIC REGIONS 30-lS9b, 483c.

Arcturus (astron.) 30-298a.

Ardahan (Ardagan), Caucasia 32-804 (A6).

Ardennes, forest, Belg. 31-126b; 32-1004C.

Ardennes, battle of the 31-163C.

Ardigo, Roberto 32-100a.

ABDILAUN, A. B. GUINNESS, 1st baron 30-191a; 31-1106d.

Ardisia (bot.) 30-133a.

Ardmore, Okla. 31-1174a.

Ardres, Fr. 30-443b.

Ardres, riv., Fr. 30-614d.

Area Boards 31-692d.

Arendal, Nor. 31-1 151o.

Arensburg, Russ. 31-lOSOc, lib.

ARENSKT, ANTON STEPH- anovich 30- 19 la.

"Arethusa" (light cruiser) 32- 433a; 30-SlMi.

ARGENTINA, S.Am. 30-191a; A.B.C. Entente 30-493d; Bo- livia 30-468c; Chile 30-653a; cost of living 30-760d; Inter- national Financial Conference 31-68a; navy 32-439c; petro- leum 32-72b.

Argesu, riv., Rum. 32-305c; 30- 921a.

Arginine 30-643d.

Argolis, dept., Gr. 31-350c.

Argonne, plateau, Fr. 31-932 (map).

Argonne, for., Fr. 31-933b, 932 (E5, 6, 7); 32-1004b.

ABGONNE, BATTLES IN THE (1914-6) 30-193d.

Argos, Gr. 30-181d.

"Argus" (aircraft-carrier) 32- 44 8a.

Argyll-Robertson pupil 30-976a.

Argyllshire, CO., Scot. 32-841b.

Argyrokastro, Gr. 31-304b.

Argyropoulos, P. 31-307b.

Arias, Desiderio 32-360c.

Ari Burnu, Dardanelles 30-798 (map).

Arica, Chile 30-653b.

, dept., Chile 30-468d.

Aripero 32-1007a.

Arish: see Laraish.

Aristotelian Society of London 31- 372a.

Aristotle: Jowett's translations S2-99b.

Arithmetic 31-S75b.

mean, first Sl-877d. ARIZONA, state, U.S. 30-194c;


"Arizona" (battleship) 32-436d. Arizona Copper Co. 31-956b. Arizy, Fr. 32-519b. Arkalokhorin, Gr. 30-181c. ARKANSAS, state, U.S. 30-

195c; forests 31-106a; hospitals

31-386c; labour troubles 31-

698c; petroleum 32-72d. "Arkansas " (battleship)32-436b. Arklet, lake, Scot. 31-284a. Arkwright, I. A. 31-902b; 32-

773b; 30-597d. Aries, Henri d 1 S0-561b. Arleux, Fr. 30-268 IV. (D2), 532d. Arleux-en-Gohelle, Fr. 30-268

IV. (Bl). Arlington National Cemetery,

32-95.W, 953a; 30-825b. Arlon, Belg. S0-434c; 32-975a,


Arm, artificial S1-1219C. Armagh, co.. Ire. S2-841d. Armament 32-47 la.

Committees 31-713a. , safety 3-474d, 480b. Armaments, limitation of 31-

587b. 738d, 1014b.

Output Committee 31-l()Mb. Armand (diplomat) 30-3400. Armature SS-1023b. Armengand, Rene Sl-522o. ARMENIA 30-196c; 31-219d

foil., 1225d; Azerbaijan 30- 356a; International Financial Conference 31-68a; mandate

32-47a; massacres 31-688d,

1222d, 1225b; Republic 32-

808b; Turkish Campaigns

(1914-8) 32-8020 foil., 30-


Armenoid (race) 30-177c. Armentieres, Fr. 30-268 II. (El);

31-115a; S0-202c; 32-970 [I.


von30-202c; 30-513a; 31-813c. Armistice (1918) 32-1088a, 1019d;

London celebrations 30-1023b,

Sl-796d, 32-8980. ArmoricanMts.: geology Sl-215a. ARMOUR, J. OGDEN 30-202c. ARMOURED CARS 30-202d;

East Africa 30-889b; siege

warfare 32-481a; tanks 31-


cruiser: see Battle cruiser.

TRAINS 30-203b; 32-229d. Armour-piercing bullet 30-136a;


piercing shell 30-122b, 263d; 31-1205a; manufacture 30- 126c.


31-1205a; fortifications 32-

472d; tanks 32-478d. Armsby, Henry Prentiss 31-943d. Armstrong, Henry Edward 30-

629d, 478b.

, SIB WALTER 30-205b. , Whitworth & Co. 30-964b; 32-

275a. ARMY (milit. term) S0-205c; see

also British army; and under

names of countries.

and Navy Canteens Board 30- 562d.

Bill (Germany 1913) 31-267b.

corps 32-490b; 30-258d, 213a.

Council 30-205d, S92d, 1002a.

Dental Corps 30-834d.

MEDICAL SERVICE: U.K. 30-243d, 456b, 210a; U.S. 30-246b.

nursing: see Nursing, military 31-1 164b.

Pay Corps 32-1057d.

reserve munition workers 31- 715b.

Salvage Branch 30-206b.

Service Corps:see Royal Army Service Corps.

Arnhem, Holl. 31-373a. Arniches, Carlos 32-558b. Aronde, riv., Fr. S2-980b. Aronov, O. G.: see Zinoviev, G. Arnold, John Oliver 30-964c. Aroostook, Me. Sl-832d. Arques, Fr. 31-1 15b. Arracourt, Fr. 31-162 (D3), 162a. Arras, P'r.: 1st battle 30-265a;

2nd battle (1917) S0-276b, 31-

960c, 32-684C. ARRIAGA, MANOEL JOSE D.

30-24 Sa;32-129c. ARBOL, SIB WILLIAM 30-


Arrub, riv., Pal. 32-17a. Arsenic 32-87b; 31-834d. Arta, dept., Gr 31-300d. Art Alliance (U.S.) 30-285b. Artemis: temples 30-182c. Arteries 31-909a; coronary 31-


Arthrodesis 31-1218d. Arthropoda, infection from 31-

895b. Arthur (of Connaught), Prince,

30-736a; 32-545d. Articles of Commerce Ordinance

(India, 1914) 31-439a. Articles of War 32-878c, 879b. Artificers' Corps 31-707C. Artificial limbs 31-1219b, 901d;


manures: see under manures.

silk S0-591b, 869c; 31-115b. Artillerie d'assaut 32-692b. ARTILLERY 30-248a; 31-1033b;

S2-661a; aircraft S0-49a, 31- 1214a; automobility of 31-988c; bridges 30-502d; counter bat- tery 32-473b; projectiles 30- 119a; signalling 32-490c; siege defence 32-475b; surveying 32- 623b; transport 31-11 88b; U.S. 31-1030b.

motors 31-1188b: 30-261b. Artists' Rifles S0-207d. ARTOIS, BATTLES IN (1914-

7) S0-264d; Cambrai battle

(1917) S2-685d.

Art Sales (Christie's) S2-2o6d. ARTS AND CRAFTS 30-281b;

Austria 30-325a; U.S. S0-284o. ARTSIBASHEV, MIKHAIL

Petrovich S0-285b. Art Workers' Guild 30-284b. Arumans: aee Vlachs. Arvillers, Fr. S2-521b.

Arya Somaj (seot) 31-432d.

For Key to Abbreviations see page xv., Volume XXX.