Arys, Pol. Sl-869d, 871c.
Arys, W.Turk. S2-800d.
Arthur 30-285C, 914b; 31-
Arzuno, Bosn. 30-475a.
Arzignano, It. 31-600 (B5).
Arzila, Mor. 31-986c.
Aeaba, Nig. 31-1135o.
Asano, dockyard, Jap. Sl-645b.
Asbestos 32-301b.
Asbury breech mechanism 31-
Ascalon, Pal. 32-21b.
Ascension, isl., Atl.O. 32-602b
(note 2), 603c.
ASCHE, OSCAR 30-2850.
Asclepius: see Aesculapius.
ASHANTI, W.Af. S0-285d; 31-
296a; 32-75d.
1st baron 30-2S6C.
Ashby St. Ledgers, baron: see
Wimborne, 1st Visct.
Ashe, Thomas 31-570b.
Asheville, N.C. 32-761c; 31-
1st baron 30-286d, 1014c.
Ashland City, Ky. 31-676d.
ASHLEY, SIR W. J. 30-2S6d.
Ashmore, Edward Bailey 30-98a.
Ashton-under-Lyne, Lanes. 31-
ASHWELL, LENA 30-286d; 32-
10S9c, 1054c.
Asia: coal 30-706b; oil S2-75d;
silver 32-496d; wool 32-1066b.
ASIAQO, BATTLE (1916) 31-
600 (B4) ; 30-286; 31-602b foil.
ASIA MINOR 30-292b; 31-
1224c; Armenians 30-197d;
geology 31-216b.
Asiero, It. 31-600 (B5).
Asir, dist., Arab. S0-5a, 165d.
Askelon, Pal. 30-179c.
Askja, mt.. Ice. 32-722d.
Askwith, .1st baron 30-292b,
989b; 32-584d.
Asmara, Erit. 31-9a.
Asola, It. 31-600 (A6).
Asolone, mt., It. 30-577d.
Aspach. Fr. Sl-159d, 158 (F4).
Aspach-le-Bas. Fr. Sl-159a.
Aspartic acid 30-643d.
Aspirin 32-87c.
Asquith, Emma Alice Margaret
30-295d; Sl-llOSa.
292c, 987a; finance S0-980b;
Ireland Sl-554o foil., S0-1027c;
woman suffrage 30-991b, 32-
, Raymond 30-296a.
Assab, Erit. Sl-9b.
Assainvillers, Fr. S2-520d.
Assam, prov., India 31-445b; 30-
Asselin, Olivar S0-561d.
Assemblies of God 30-692a.
Assiut, Egy. 30-68 (G2), 941c,
Associated Irish Newspapers 31-
Associated Press 32-578d.
This Index covers Vols. XXX., XXXI. and XXXII. only.
See Vol. XXIX. for Index to Vols. I. to XXVIII. inclusive.
Associations Bill (Spain, 1911)
Assuan, Egy. 30-177b.
Assurance: see Insurance.
Assyro-Chaldeans Sl-689o.
Asthenosphere 31-214b.
Asthma 31-547d.
Astico, riv., It. 31-600 (B5).
Aston (physicist) 30-623a, o; 31-
Astor, Nancy W. Astor, Vis-
countess 30-296b, 1025d.
, W. W. ASTOR, 1st viscount
30-296a; 31-1106c.
, W..W. Astor, 2ndiviscount 30-
296a; 31-1 106b.
Astoria, Oreg. 31-1216a.
Astrakhan (fur) 32-800d.
Astral fibres 30-7810.
Astrapis 32-13a.
Astra-Torres airship 30-55a.
Astrographic chart 31-540b.
Astrolabe, prismatic 30-43b; 31-
206a; 32-628a.
ASTRONOMY 30-296b, 810c.
Astropalia, island, Aegean. 32-
Astrov. N. S2-324b.
Asunci6n, Parag. 32-32d; 30-
Atacama, dept., Chile 30-654b.
, des., S.Am. 31-2080.
Ata el Ayyubi S2-654d.
Atbara, Af. 30-68 (G3).
Atchison, Kan. Sl-673d (table).
, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway
31-1 104a.
Atf, El, Egy. S0-932b.
Athanasian creed S0-674b.
Athena: temple 30-183b.
Athens, Gr. Sl-301a; 30-182a.
Atherley-Jones, L. A. 30-997d.
Atherton, W. H. S0-560b.
Athies, Fr. 31-265d; 30-268 IV.
ATHLETICS: Sports and
Athlone, Alexander A. F. Cam-
bridge, Earl of Sl-21Sc, 894c.
ATHOS, Mount 30-304b.
Atlanta, Georgia. 31-222a; 32-
Atlantic City, N.J. 32-855a
Atlantic Monthly, The 31-1113d.
Ocean: cables S2-601c, d; cur-
rents 31-llCSa; flight across
S0-45c; water S1-1169C.
suite 32-83a.
Transport Co. S2-455d.
Atmosphere Sl-929a foil.
Atmospheric pressure 31-929c
Atom Sl-880d foil., 182d; models
30-626c; Moseley's researches
31-987C, 881d; radioactivity
32-220b; structure 31-881 b,
Atomic number 30-623a; 32-220b.
valence S0-622a.
weight 30-624b; 31-196d; 32-
Atropine 32-88b; S0-137b.
Atsipada, Gr. 30-181c.
Attar of roses 30-52 Id.
Attassi, Hasim Bey 32-654b.
Attica, dist., Gr. 31-300c; 30-
Attichy, Fr. 31-860c; 32-979d.
Attraction (physics) 31-214a.
Aube, riv., Fr. 32-979b; 31-852a.
Aubencheul, Fr. 30-536 (Cl),
Auberive, Fr. 30-601d; 30-603d.
Aubers, Fr. Sl-267b; 30-268 II.
Aubers Ridge, battle of (1915)
Auberton, Fr. 31-163c.
Aubigny, Fr. 30-268 IV. (Al).
Aubigny-au-Bac, Fr. 30-536 (Cl).
Aubreville railway 31-767b.
Aubry (Ital. sailor) 31-613a.
Auburn, Ala. 30-101b.
, Me. 31-832d.
, N.Y. 31-1114c.
Auchonvillers, Fr. 23-51b (A2).
Auchy, Fr. S0-268b.
Auchy-!ez-La Bassee, Fr. 30-
268 II. (C6).
Auckland, N.Z. Sl-1120c; 32-
213a, 603d.
, isl., Pac.O. S2-lb.
Auction bridge: see Bridge.
" Audacious " (battleship) 81-
1070c; 32-455d.
Audigny, Fr. Sl-329d.
Audoux, Marguerite 31-154b.
Audun-le-Romain 31-lf.Ic; 32-
Aue (Lauw) Fr. 31-156 (C2).
Moritz, Freiherr' von 80-
Augi6ras (explorer) S0-66c.
Augmented Standing Committee,
Ger. 31-503b.
Augsburg, Ger. 31-232d.
Augusta, Ga. 31-222a; S2-855a.
, Kan. S2-73a.
, Me. 31-833a; 3J-855a.
Augusta Victoria (ex-German
empress) 32-1015c.
Augustowo, Pol. 30-888 I. (B6),
887a, 900b: Sl-873b.
, canal, Pol. 32-125a; 31-873c.
'Auja, El. Pal. S2-20b.
Aulad Delim (people) 32-286d.
'Aulagi (tribe) S0-166a.
Aulia, mt.. Sud. 30-945d.
Aulnay, Fr. Sl-858b.
Auniat, mts., N.Af. 30-66d.
Auricular fibrillation 31-349d.
Aurora, 111. Sl-423d.
"Aurora" (ship) 30-143a.
Aurora borealis 31-831d.
Aus, S.W.Af. 31-230d.
Ausgleich: 1915 negotiations 31-
Aussee, Aus. 32-600a.
Aussig cell 30-958b.
, Louis Winslow 32-1025c.
Austin, Minn. 31-961d.
, Tex. S2-718b.
AUSTRALIA 30-304d;aborigines
30-147a; agriculture 30-76a,
925a; Chinese S0-656a; climate
S0-704d; cost of living 30-
759b; finance S0-307b, 982c,
404b; forestry 31-102c; housing
31-399c; infantile mortality 31-
467b; International Financial
Conference 31-68a; navy 30-
308d, 507b; public trustees 32-
213a; religion S0-678c; shipping
S2-457a, 31-1063b.
- Army 30-3 lOd, 208b; Galli-
poli 30-801a; Western Front 30-533d, 32-520a, 524a.
- Commerce and industry 30-
306b; timber 31-104b; wool 32- 1066b.
- History 30-307d; Anglo-Jap-
anese alliance 30-507d; Nauru 32-2a; New Guinea 32-42c.
- Labour 30-305d; arbitration
30-174b, 173b; hours of labour 31-390a, 694d; strikes 32-594c. -.Minerals: coal S0-706b (table) ; copper S0-963b, 751d; gold 31- 293d; silver 32-496d. " Australia " (battle-cruiser) 31- 1072b; S0-308d. Australia House, Lond. Sl-793c. Australian Expeditionary Force: see Australia: Army. LITERATURE 30-212a. AUSTRIA, LOWER 30-3 12d, 345d, 317d. AUSTRIA, UPPER 30-312d; 31-33d. AUSTRIAN EMPIRE 30-313a; 31-622b; Army S0-238a; art 30-324d; constitution 30-313a; economic conditions 30-320c, 351c; finance 30-323d, 31- 74 Id, 1059d; infant mortality 31-468a; International Finan- cial Conference Sl-68a; labour 31-694d, 391b, S2-943c; litera- ture 30-325b; navy 32-439c, 612b, 31-1088b; population 30- 344b, 31-233b; shipping 32- 458c, 443b; woman suffrage SO-366C.
- Army 30-238b, 401b; Am-
munition 31-1032c; fortifica- tion designs 32-475a; Versailles settlement S2-44d.
- History (Austrian Empire)
30-371b, 327c; Sl-18c; Albania 30-106b; Balkan wars Sl-24b, 26d, S2-403a foil.; Bosnia and Herzegovina 31-21c; Italo- Turkish war Sl-614b; Italy 31-619a foil., 611b, S0-523b; Poland S2-119b; Rumania 32- 303d; Russia 31-23a; Serbia 32- 399b foil., Sl-24b; war aims 32-1075d.
- History (Austrian Republic)
S0-343d; 31-33d; Czechoslo- vakia S0-789a; Peace Confer- ence 32-43a; St. Germain treaty S2-44b; Yugoslavia 32- 1121b. See also Hungary. AUSTRIA, REPUBLIC OF 30- 343d, 345d; Sl-33d. Austrian Lloyd Steamship Co.: see Lloyd Triestino. AUSTRIC FAMILY OF LAN- guages 30-353d. Austro-Daimler engine 30-39a (table). Hungarian Bank 30-323d foil., 348c foil. Authuille, Fr. 32-516 (B4). Autocoid substances 30-861b Auto-frettage 31-1 181d. Automatic pistol 32-105c. rifle 32-276a. tools 31-826C. writing 32-199c. Automobiles: see Motor Vehicles. Autonomy, provincial 31-445b. Auto-suggestion 32-206a. Auxerre, Fr. 32-975d. Avaries, Les (Brieux): see Dam- aged Goods. AVEBURY, J. LUBBOCK, 1st baron 30-354d, 147a. Aveiro, Port. 32-133a. Avelvy, Fr. 32-516 (B4). Averescu, Alexander 32-305c- S0-914d. Avesnes, Fr. 31-617a, 169a; 31- 1003a, 1004c; 32-516 (El). Avezzano, It. 32-3a. Aviation 30-26b, 31d, 32b; com- mercial 31-87a, 30-57b; efficien- cy 30-63c; France 31-118d; Germany 31-256d; insurance 31-498d, 503d; military 31- 81d; naval 31-84c; U.S. Sl- 1029d. Avignon, Fr. 31-1 19a. Avion, Fr. 30-268 III. (E2). Avioth, Fr. 31-166a. Avisio, riv., Aus. 31-600 (B3). Avksentiev (Russ. politician) 32- 324b. Avlona, Balk. 30-100b; 32-40o. Avre, riv., Fr. 32-518b. Avricourt, Fr. 31-160b. Avonmouth Docks, Glos. 33- 225d. Avord, Fr. 31-117 (C3). Awareness 30-426a. Ax-les-Thermcs, Fr. 30-138b. Ayala, Ramon Perez de: see Perez de Ayala. Ayan, Russ. As. 32-467a. Ayctte, Fr. 32-519a. AYLMER, SIR F. J. 30-354d; 32-81 la. Aymerick (soldier) 30-539d. Ayr, Scot. 32-841c. Ayre, Wilson S0-188c. Ayrshire, co., Scot. 32-841b (table) ;Sl-216a. Aysheaia pedunculata Walcott 32-12, plate I. AYUB KHAN 30-355a. Ayutla, Guat. Sl-323a. Azariah, V.S. SO-67Sd. AZCARATE, OUMERSINDO 30-355a; 32-550d. AZCARRAQA Y PALMEEO, Marcelo 30-355b. Azefal, dunes, N.Af. 32-286d. Azerailles, Fr. 31-161d. Azerbaijan, prov., 1'ers. 32-59c. AZERBAIJAN, Republic of 30-355b, 199d; 32-80Sb; 31- 220b. Azhar, univ., Cairo 30-946a. Azizia (Azizie), Mesop. 32-810 II. (C2);31-614b, 1086a. Azo dyes 30-869a. Azorin: see Martinez Ruiz. Azotobacter 30-72b, 358d.
Baade, W. S0-297b. Baalbek, Syr. 32-653d. Babahoyo, EC. 30-927b. Babel 'Ambari, Medine Sl-910d. Babits, Michael 31-418c. Babuna, pass, Balk.Penin. 30- 376b. Babylonia 30-178d. Baby incendiary bomb 30-86b. Baca, Ezequiel de 31-1104d. Bacau, Rum. 32-302d. Baccarat, Fr. 31-164 (F6), 159c, 161d. BACCELLI, GUIDO 30-358a. Bachern S2-599d. Bachka, dist., Yugoslav. 32-1 1 12d. Bachmann (admiral) 32-606b. Bacillus 30-358c, 360b, 362d; dysentery 30-873d; plague 31- 915d; tuberculosis 32-782d. influenza: see Pfeiffer's bacillus. Backa, Yugoslav.: see Bachka. Back area (aerial) 30-94c. Backward Groups (U.S.) 32- 880b. Bacmeister (soldier) Sl-869d, 871d. Bacon, Frank S0-859a. , HENRY 30-358a, 187c; 32- 955d. , Sir Reginald 31-1082a; 32- 608c. , ROBERT 30-358b. , Roger 32-99d. Bacon S0-762c; 32-142d (table), 144b (table). Bacot, Arthur W. 31-902b, 897a; 32-S2fi<l; trench fever research- es 32-773b, 30-363d. Bacteria 30-358c, 154b; 31-89Sb; 32-102d; dysentery 31-915c; effect on cellulose 30-591b; in- fectivity 31-7b; localization 31- 427b ; influenza 31-489a ; soil 30- 359a, 479d;wounds 31-899d. Bacterial filter 31-66C. BACTERIOLOGY 30-358b, 246a; 31-898b; agriculture 30- 71d, 358b; Besredka's experi- ments 31-427b; botulism 30- 975c; dysentery 30-872c; milk Sl-944d; typhus 32-82.M; vaccine preparation S2-906b; wounds 31-908b. Bacterium flavigena 30-360b. tumefaciens 30-478d. Baden, Aus. 30-312d, 621a; 32- 810 (Bl). , terr., Ger. 30-364b; cultivated land Sl-234b (table); popula- tion 31-232c (table); religions 31-233d (table). "Baden" (battleship) 32-438d, 374b. BADENI, KASIMIR, Count 30- 365a, 6a. Baden-Powell, Sir R. S. S. 30- 487a. Badging (U.K.) 31-705a, 706c. Badia, Arab. 30-165b. Badische Anilin und Soda Fab- rik 31-742c. BADOGLIO, PIETRO 30-365a, 573d; 31-607C. Badulla, Cey. S0-599b. BAEYER, JOHANN F. W. A. von 30-365c. Baffle-plate S2-528a. Bagamoyo, E.Af. 30-880o. Bagdad, Tur.As. 30-164 (map). Bagdad boil: see Oriental sore. Bagdad railway 31-1224c, 22d; 32-656a. Baghdad (Bagdad) Mesop. 30- 164 (map), 165c;32-60b; camel trade 30-170a; military opera- tions 32-810b, S2-60b; military railways 31-769b; oil 'produc- tion 32-75d; population 31- 915b (table); rainfall 31-915b; wireless telegraphy 32-626C. Bagley, James W. 32-625d. Bagnio, Ph.Is., 32-89c. Bagot, Theodosia, Lady 32- 1060d. Bagsag, Ph.Is. 32-57a. BAGWELL, RICHARD 30-365c. Bahamas, isls., W.I. 32-1005a. Baharia, oasis, N.Af. 32-397c. Bahfa, Braz. 30-490b, 927a. Blanca, Arg. 30-191b. Bahr, Hermann 30-859b, 327b. Bahr Assal, terr., Somld. 32- 509d. Bahrein, isls., Arab. S0-168c; 32-59b, 65c. Bahr el Ghazal, riv., Sud. 30- 66c. Jebel, Af. 30-68 (G4). Baibars, mosque, Egy.: see Bibars. Baikal, lake, Russ.As. 32-467a, 468a. Bailey, E. B. Sl-214c. , Sir Lewis 30-742b. , T. E. G. 31-2160. Bailleul, Fr. 32-970 I. (C2) ; 30- 268, 265e. Baillou, Guillaume 31-6b. Bailly, Fr. 31-860 IV. (D4). Bail weight S0-734a. Baily furnace 30-961d. Bainsizza, plat., It. S0-563c. Baird, Dorothea: see under Irving, H. B. , Sir John 31-771d. , Robert H. H. 31-1107b. BAIRNSFATHER, BRUCE 30- 365d. Baitkowen, Pol. Sl-872d. Bajil, Arab. S0-168b. Bajlan, Mustafa Pasha 31-688d. Bajohren, Lith. 31-778a. Bajowka (society) 30-114b. Baker, Sir Benjamin 31-1142d. , Elizabeth 30-856C. . George F. 30-752c. , GEORGE P. 30-365d, 858d. , HERBERT 30-365d, 817c; 32-952a. , Herbert Brereton 30-628c. , NEWTON D. S0-366b, 713o; 32-892d. , R. P. 30-561b. , T. Thome 32-7010. , Mont. 31-977a. , Oreg. Sl-1216a. Bakhtiari, province, Persia 32- 66c. Bakhtiari (tribe) 32-59a. Baking trade 30-746b; 31-695a. BAKST, LEON N. 30-366b, 795b; 32-9a. Baku, Caucasia 32-804 (H7). , Russ. S0-355d, 200a; 32-62c; Sl-220a; oil production 32-75a. Bakunin, Mikhail 30-469b. BALAKIREV, MILI ALEXEI- vich 30-366C. Balanoglossus 30-974d. Balata 32-709a. Balboa, Pan. 32-22b. Balbriggan, Ire. 31-580a. Balcarres, David A. E. Lindsay, Lord: see Crawford and Bal- BALDISSERA, ANTONIO 30- 366c. Baldwin, Simeon Eben 30-737& , Stanley 30-1028b; 31-441. Balfour, Andrew 31-834b. , SIR ARTHUR JAMES SO- 366d, 990c foil. ; 32-1080c; Beer- bohm's drawings 30-425a; Irish policy 31-554c; peace conference 32-3Sb; U.S. mis- sion 30-101 7c; woman suffrage 32-1034d; Zionist policy M- 1131b, 18a. , Lady Frances 30-843C. , Francis M. 30-968d. , Gerald 32-201c. OF BURLEIGH, A. H. Bruce 30-368b, 1016d; Can dian Commission 32-1006a; Clyde commerce 31-716d; 30-172a. Bali, isl., Mal.Arch. 31-109&,
See page 1145 for explanation of Index system.