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Proud Lazy Prelates, with Pluralities,
VVho ſpeak but by their hair-brain’d Deputies,
VVhoſe Junior Years no Truths obſcure can reach;
And ſeldom are ſo VViſe, as thoſe they Teach.
Your Maſs-like Service, with your noiſie Toots,
Of hum drum Organs, Fiddle Faddles and Flutes,
Your high-flown Doctrins to advance a State,
And Pleaſe it, till Unlawfully made Great,
Then turn your Holy Flat’ries to its Fate.
Theſe I diſlike, from theſe (in chief) Diſſent,
As quite repugnant to the Lords intent.
Theſe are the ſumptious Trappings of the VVhore,
The Marks and Patches which ſhe always wore.
Theſe are her ſtuddi’d and prevailing Charms,
Which, but the looſer part of Fancy warms,
And draws unwary Youth to her Adult’rous Arms.
External Order firſt informs our Senſe,
And raiſes in us a due Reverence,
Either towards Place, or Perſon, where we ſee
Concurrent parts, in Noble Form, agree;
And tend to a peculiar Harmonie.
Or why did the Creator ſhape the World
From a dark Maſs, together rudely hurl’d?
But that, in ev’ry part, Mankind ſhould ſee,
The ſtrokes of an Allpow’rful Deity.
From whence the light of Faith does firſt ariſe,
And makes our Reaſon ſubject to our Eyes,