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For ev’ry wond’rous work of Heav’n we ſee,
Gives freſh Aſſurance of Eternitie;

And by its Graceful Order ſtrikes an Awe,
Humbles our Souls, and does Obedience draw
By Natural means, to Heav’n, and Natures Law:

Therefore, ſuch decent Rites do I diſpenſe,
As beſt ſhall Humble, and Affect the Senſe;
And in my Sons beget a Graceful Reverence.

How inſolent it looks? How Evil bred,
T’ approach God’s Preſence with a Cover’d Head?
Yet to a Great-man Couch, with Hat in Hand,
And Bare, before the Wealthy Idol, ſtand.
Or at Devotion ſo neglectful be,
As quite abandon all Humilitie;
And rather than to Bended knees ſubmit,
In diſreſpectful Poſtures, Lolling ſit.

Next, with Church Government you diſagree,
And cauſleſly condemn our Hierarchie:
Rail at my Biſhops, angry at their State,
And Envy them, whoſe Merit made them Great;
The Learn’d, and Pious Characters they wear,
Hath rais’d them to the Dignities they bear.
Unſtain’d their Lives, they are as Guardians choſe,
To ſave the Church from Errour, and from Foes:

Without whoſe Conduct, and Authoritie,
Religions Priſtine ſtate can never be
Kept from Erroneous Innovations free,
