Page:Egyptian Literature (1901).djvu/128

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at the end of the second month[1] of the season Pert (i.e., the season of growing) [in the presence of the divine lord of this earth].[2] I have seen the Eye of Rā when it was full in Annu, therefore let not evil befall me in this land and in this Hall of double Maāti, because I, even I, know the name[s] of these gods who are therein [and who are the followers of the great god]"[3]


[From the Papyrus of Nebseni (British Museum No. 9,900, sheet 30).]

The scribe Nebseni, triumphant, saith:

1. “Hail, thou whose strides are long, who comest forth from Annu (Heliopolis), I have not done iniquity.

2. “Hail, thou who art embraced by flame, who comest forth from Kher-āba,[4] I have not robbed with violence.

3. “Hail, thou divine Nose (Fenti), who comest forth from Khemennu (Hermopolis), I have not done violence [to any man].

4. “Hail, thou who eatest shades, who comest forth from the place where the Nile riseth,[5] I have not committed theft.

5. “Hail, Neha-hau,[6] who comest forth from Re-stau, I have not slain man or woman.

6. “Hail, thou double Lion-god, who comest forth from heaven, I have not made light the bushel.

7. “Hail, thou whose two eyes are like flint,[7] who comest forth from Sekhem (Letopolis), I have not acted deceitfully.

8. “Hail, thou Flame, who comest forth as [thou] goest back, I have not purloined the things which belong unto God.

9. “Hail, thou Crusher of bones, who comest forth from Suten-henen (Heracleopolis), I have not uttered falsehood.

10. “Hail, thou who makest the flame to wax strong, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah (Memphis), I have not carried away food.

  1. I.e., the month called by the Copts Mekhir, the sixth month of the Egyptian year.
  2. These words are added from the Papyrus of Nebseni.
  3. These words are added from the Papyrus of Ani.
  4. A city near Memphis.
  5. The “Qerti,” or caverns out of which flowed the Nile, were thought to be situated between Aswan and Philae.
  6. Variant, Neha-hra.
  7. Variant, “like fire.”