Page:Egyptian Literature (1901).djvu/129

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11. “Hail, Qerti, (i.e., the two sources of the Nile), who come forth from Amentet, I have not uttered evil words.

12. “Hail, thou whose teeth shine, who comest forth from Ta-she (i.e., the Fayyûm), I have attacked no man.

13. “Hail, thou who dost consume blood, who comest forth from the house of slaughter, I have not killed the beasts [which are the property of God].

14. “Hail, thou who dost consume the entrails, who comest forth from the mābet chamber, I have not acted deceitfully.

15. “Hail, thou god of Right and Truth, who comest forth from the city of double Maāti, I have not laid waste the lands which have been ploughed(?).

16. “Hail, thou who goest backward, who comest forth from the city of Bast (Bubastis), I have never pried into matters [to make mischief].

17. “Hail, Aati, who comest forth from Annu (Heliopolis), I have not set my mouth in motion [against any man].

18. “Hail, thou who art doubly evil, who comest forth from the nome of Ati,[1] I have not given way to wrath concerning myself without a cause.

19. “Hail, thou serpent Uamemti, who comest forth from the house of slaughter, I have not defiled the wife of a man.

20. “Hail, thou who lookest upon what is brought to him, who comest forth from the Temple of Amsu, I have not committed any sin against purity.

21. “Hail, Chief of the divine Princes, who comest forth from the city of Nehatu,[2] I have not struck fear [into any man].

22. “Hail, Khemiu (i.e., Destroyer), who comest forth from the Lake of Kaui, I have not encroached upon [sacred times and seasons].

23. “Hail, thou who orderest speech, who comest forth from Urit, I have not been a man of anger.

24. “Hail, thou Child, who comest forth from the Lake of Heq-at,[3] I have not made myself deaf to the words of right and truth.

25. “Hail, thou disposer of speech, who comest forth from the city of Unes,[4] I have not stirred up strife.

  1. I.e., the ninth nome of Lower Egypt, the capital of which was Per-Ausar or Busiris.
  2. The “City of the Sycamore,” a name of a city of Upper Egypt.
  3. The thirteenth nome of Lower Egypt.
  4. The metropolis of the nineteenth nome of Upper Egypt.