[From the Papyrus of Amen-hetep (Naville, “Todtenbuch,” Bd. 1. Bl. 40).]
The Chapter of not allowing the heart of Amen-hetep, triumphant, to be carried away dead in the underworld. The deceased saith:
“My heart is with me, and it shall never come to pass that it shall be carried away. I am the lord of hearts, the slayer of the heart. I live in right and truth (Maāt) and I have my being therein. I am Horus, the dweller in hearts, who is within the dweller in the body. I live in my word, and my heart hath being. Let not my heart be taken away from me, let it not be wounded, and may neither wounds nor gashes be dealt upon me because it hath been taken away from me. Let me have my being in the body of [my] father Seb, [and in the body of my] mother Nut. I have not done that which is held in abomination by the gods; let me not suffer defeat there, [but let me be] triumphant.”
[From the Papyrus of Ani (British Museum No. 10,470, sheet 33).]
The Chapter of a heart of Carnelian. Osiris Ani, triumphant, saith:
“I am the Bennu, the soul of Rā, and the guide of the gods in the Tuat (underworld). Their divine souls come forth upon earth to do the will of their kas; let, therefore, the soul of Osiris Ani come forth to do the will of his ka.”
[From Lepsius, “Todtenbuch,” Bl. 16.]
The Chapter of not letting the heart of a man be driven away from him in the underworld. Osiris Auf-ānkh, triumphant, born of Sheret-Amsu, triumphant, saith:
“My heart, my mother; my heart, my mother! My heart of my existence upon earth. May naught stand up to oppose