Partelets, 369
Pasche eggs, 153
Passage, 314
Passing bell, 313
Pavin, 220
Peascod bellied doublet, 373
Pedlars, 45
Pens, 388
Perfumer, the, 381
Perjury, punishment for, 17
Pets, 196
Philosopher's stone, 92
Physiognomy, art of, 83
Pindar's house, ceilings of, 356
Piracy, punishment for, 14
Pitch, the, 117
Plague, 65
Plate, 385
Points, 378
Population, 36
Population, shift of, 345
Post and Pair, 203
Post boy's habit, 41
Poking stick, 370
Potts' Account, 338
Practical jokes, 199
Presents, 387
Pressing to death, 16
Prison bars, 187
Prison base, 187
Prize, to play a, 215
Prizes for dancing, 211
Progresses, 38
Punishment for decay of walls, 17
Punishment for treason, 14
Purification, feast of, 171
Put on your Smock a' Monday, 208
Quinola, 206
Quacks, 80
Qualities of the Elizabethans, 1
Quarterstick, 37
Queen of the May, 156
Quintain, 193
Racquet, 184
Rapidity of national development, 8
Raven, 379
Ravens' eggs, 274
Reclaiming a hawk, 115
Ring-walks, 122
Roads, condition of, 36, 39, 40, 130
Robin Hood, 155
Roofs, gable, 352
Rogero, 207
Roofs, lead, 349
Rosemary, 300
Roses, 377
Rowan tree, 340
Rudolph II, 90
Ruffs, 368
Rural wedding, 305
Sabbath, witches', 335
Saint Paul's, 99
Salamander, 374
Sanitary conditions, 64
Scotch farthingale, 374
Seeling a hawk, 113
Seer, 89
Servants, 396
Servants' quarters, 353
Sets of instruments, 233