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Page:Elizabethan People.djvu/542

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Shakespeare and superstition, 94

Shakespeare, John, 58

Sheets, 387

Shoeing the mare, 170, 171

Shoes, 377

Shop, barber, 70

Shops of London, 68

Shoreditch, 97, 151

Shove groat, 201

Shrove tide, 147

Shovel board, 193, 201

Shroud, 314

Shrove Tuesday, 103, 147, 150

Sick bed, 275

Side arms, 214

Sidney, funeral of, 237

Sighs, 277

Signs, street, 350

Singing, 220

Sleep, 276

Slops, 376

Slot hound, 121

Smithfield, 131

Snakes, feeding on, 274

Social conditions, 37

Sonnet vogue, the, 33

Southwark, 67

Spiders, 274

Splay footed wench, 275

Spoons, apostle, 288

Squibs, 190

Squire, 99

Squirrels as pets, 195

Stag hunt, 120

Stall troublers, 68

Starches, colored, 369

Starch, introduction of, 369

Stews of London, 97

Stockings, 376

Stocks, 17, 57

Stomacher, 372

Stone as a building material, 347

Stoop, to, 117

Storms, 277

Story telling, 190, 200, 271

Stow ball, 184

Stow, John, granted a license to beg, 45

Stow's superstition, 267

Strand, the, 39, 346

Stratford, 46

Stratford bridge, 55

Stratford church, 47

Stratford college, 48

Stratford grammar school, 54

Stratford guild, 48

Stratford, John of, 47

Stratford markets, 59

Stratford, population of, 60

Stratford trading companies, 59

Street cleaning, 64

Street parades, 229

Streets, condition of, 39

Streets, danger of, 11, 13

Streets of London, 67

Strype, 229

Substantives and adjectives, 200

Suburbans, 97

Suicide, 311

Sun dancing on Easter, 152

Superstition, 9, 267, 270

Tables, 214, 354, 384

Taffeta, 98

Taking tobacco, 78

Taming, 112

Tapestry, 383

Tempest, The, 139

Tenements, 347

Tennis, 184

Tennis, hand, 184

Termer, 96

Terrifying children, 268

Thames, condition of, 39