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Page:Elizabethan People.djvu/543

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Thames, frozen, 107

Thames, spectacles on, 338

Thatch, 349

Theatres, 66, 207

Thing and who did it, a, 200

Thorpe, John, 240

Thracian stone, 274

Threshold, stumbling on, 275

Thunderstone, 274

Tib, 204

Tickle me quickly, 203

Tick tack, 214

Tiddie, 204

Tile as a building material, 347, 349

Tilting, 231

Tire, to, 117

Toad, 275

Toad throwing, 26

Tobacco, 75, 93

Tobacco adulteration, 76

Tobacco drinking, 79

Tobacco taking, 78

Tom, 204

Tom-o-bedlams, 45

Tom the Piper, 157

Tom Tiler, 170, 207

Toothpicks, 286

Tops, 193

Tower, to, 117

Towns, decay of, 346

Trade, increase of, 8

Tradesmen's houses, 353

Trained animals, 191

Training a hawk, 113

Training horses, 138

Trammels, 136

Trap ball, 186

Trap stick, 185

Trashing, 128

Travel, 130

Travel, means of, 40

Treason, punishment for, 14

Troll my dame, 207

Truckle bed, 387

Turnbunll, 57, 151

Turner, Mrs., 370

Tumours, 274

Twelfth Day, 146

Tyrrit, 116

Uncleanliness, 64

Unity, the quality of, 5

Venery, 95

Venetian hose, 375

Vermin, 382

Verse writing to order, 291

Virginals, 224

Waits, 222

Wakes, 193, 314

Walking of ghosts, 272, 318

Wall of London, 67

Wardrobe, 356, 387

Warwickshire, 46

Watch, midsummer, 240

Watching a hawk, 113

Watermen on the Thames, 39

Water quintain, 193

Wax image, 89, 266, 337, 338

Weapons, 11, 214

Weddings, 297

Westminster, 97, 346

Wheat throwing at weddings, 301

Whip her Jenny, 203

Whipping, 17

Whipping post, 18

Whitefriars', 97

White witches, 325

Whitsun Ale, 176

Whitsuntide, 171, 178

Wigs, 365

Windows, 349

Winding sheet, 313

Wine, 399

Witchcraft, 324