BEULAH MARIE DIX'S ALLISON'S LAD AND OTHER MARTIAL INTERLUDES By the co-author of the play, "The Road to Yesterday," and author of the novels, "The Making of Christopher Ferring- ham," "Blount of Breckenlow," etc. i2mo. $1.35 net; by mail, $1.45. Allison's Lad, The Hundredth Trick, The Weakest Link, The Snare and the Fowler, The Captain of the Gate, The Dark of the Dawn. These one-act plays, despite their irapressiveness, are per- fectly practicable for performance by clever amateurs ; at the same time they make decidedly interesting reading. Six stirring war episodes. Five of them occur at night, and most of them in the dread pause before some mighty conflict. Three are placed in Cromwellian days (two in Ire- land and one in England), one is at the close of the French Revolution, another at the time of the Hundred Years' War, and the last during the Thirty Years' War. The author has most ingeniously managed to give the feeling of big events, though employing but few' players. The emotional grip is strong, even tragic. Courage, vengeance, devotion, and tenderness to the weak, are among the emotions effectively displayed. " The technical mastery of Miss Dix is great, but her spiritual mastery is greater. For this booic lives in memorjr, and the spirit of its teachings is, in a most intimate sense, the spirit of its teacher. . . , Noble passion holding the balance between life and death is the motif sharply^ outlined and vigorously portrayed. In each interlude the author has 3eized upon a vital situation and has massed all her forces ^t as to enhance its signiHcance." — Boston Transcript. (Entire notice i--. ap- plication to the publishers.)
- ' Highly dramatic episodes, treated with skill and art ... a high
pitch of emotion." — Mew York Sun. "Complete and intense tragedies well plotted and well sustained, in dignified dialogue of persons of the drama distinctly differentiated." — • Hartford Courant. " It is a pleasure to say, without reservation, that the half dozen plays before us are finely true, strong, telling examples of dramatic art. . . . Sure to find their way speedily to the stage, justifying themselves there, even as they justify themselves at a reading as pieces of literature." — The Bellman. HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK