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Page:Elizabethan People.djvu/548

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SIXTH EDITION, ENLARGED AWP WITH PORTRAITS HALE'S DRAMATISTS OF TO-DAY Rostand, Hauptmann, Sudermann, PiNEKO, Shaw, Phillips, Maeterlinck By Prof. Edward Everett Hale, Jr., of Union Ctillege. With gilt top, I1.50 net; by mail, $1.60. Since this work first appeared in 1905, Maeterlinck's Sister Beatrice, The Blue Bird and Mary Magdalene, Rostand's Chantecler and Pinero's Mid-Channel and The Thunder- bolt — among the notable plays by some of Dr. Hale's drama- tists — have been acted here. Discussions of them are added to this new edition, as are considerations of Bernard Shaw's and Stephen Phillips' latest plays. The author's papers on Hauptmann and Sudermann, with slight additions, with his "Note on Standards of Criticism," "Our Idea of Tragedy," and an appendix of all the plays of each author, with dates of their first performance or publication, complete the volume. Bookman .- " He writes in a. pleasant, 'free-and-easy way. . . . He accepts things chiefly at their face value, but he describes them so ac- curately and agreeably that he recalls vividly to mind the plays we have seen and the pleasure we have-found in ,nem." New York Bvening Post: " It is not often nowadays that a theatrical b )Ok can be met with so free from gush and mere eulogy, or so weighted by common sense ... an excellent chronological appendix and full index . . . uncommonly useful for reference.^' Dial: " Noteworthy example of literary criticism in one of the most Interesting of literary fields. . . . Provides a varied menu of the moat interesting character. . . . Prof. Hale establishes confidential relations with the reader from the start. . . . Very definite opinions, clearly reasoned and amply fortified by example. . . . Well worth reading a second.time." New York Tribune : " Both instructive and entertaining." Brooklyn Eafle: "A dramatic critic who is not just ' busting ' him- self with Titanic intellectualities, but who is a readable dramatic critic. . . . Mr. Hale is a modest and sensible, as well as an acute and sound critic. . . . Most people will be surprised and delighted with Mr. Hale's simplicity, perspicuity and ingenuousness." The Theatre; "A pleasing lightness of touch. . . . Very read- able boolc." HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY FUBUSHERS NEW YORK