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TWO POETIC DRAMAS By MARTIN SCHUTZE JUDITH fl.25 net ; by mail $1.33, " Mr. Schutze has given us a new HoloferneSf and in doine this he has very ereatly intensified the tragic situafibni ... A well'developed tragic^ motit. . . that wonderful moment of climax. . . . The tragic integrity of thecharswterofjuditfaiis maindined. . . . The details ef the drama are well carried out. . . . Mr. Schutze has not only been able to change traditional elements in the old story and yet render his version stroog and convincing, but he has also given us a memorable addition to the old Judith legend." — Boston Transcript.

    • Among the best modern achievements. . . . Developed with extra-

ordinary power, both in the structure of the drama and in the verse, rich in beautiful imagerv and in the power and dignity which the theme and the time demand. The author has shown a wonderful mastery of his materials and has succeeded admirably in making his characters live against the back- ground of the J'udean hiWs.-^PAiiadel^hia Ledger. " Well within the unities and purposes of true tragedy, ... an atmos- phere at once classic and modern.^' — Chicago Tribune. "A picture is given of the religious austerity of the Jews, and much is made of their national jealousy. Holofernes is a man of princely character. . . . This devotion of Judith to the human excellence which she discerned in Holofernes gives an unexpected turn to the narrative and fits it better for modern intisrpretation." — Springfield Republican. " A poetic psychological study that at worst is interesting and at best is keenly dramatic. ... In the multitudinous cast there are several excellent bits for good actors. . . . Plenty of characters and telling situations."— iWw York Dramatic Mirror. HERO AND LEANDER $1.25 net ; by mail $1.33.

    • Perhaps the fullest and strongest drama that has ever been written

about these lovers.*' — Chicago Record-Herald, " The consecration of Hero in the Temple of Venus, the apparition of Leander, his encounter with the temple guards, the episodes attending Hero's surrender-, and the storm with its tragic outcome are ali valuable theatrical incidents- ... a capable, dignified, and interesting composition which would be a credit to any theatre producing it'* — Nation.

    • Vivid scens. . . . The death of Hero is an opportunity seized by the

author for more than usually effective lines ; and the closing scene sustains well the tragic distinction- of the climax." — Hart/or d Courant, " Unusual strength of construction and poetic expression." — ProvidTence Journal, '* Here is, indeed, a beautiful talent of the greatest promise, a soaring fancy, poesy of thought and imagination as well as of form, and sound: classic schol arshi p . ' ^ — Independent. HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK (over)