Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/386

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[ IX
15. Idem, p. 6.
16. Nordensköld, History of Biology, pp. 177 ff.
17. Psychologica Empirica, Latin—English, tr. by Alfred Acton.
18. Resebeskrifningar af Emanuel Swedenborg.
19. C.L., 537.
20. The Way to a Knowledge of the Soul, p. 46.
21. Idem, p. 47.
22. A.K., Vol. II, p. 608.
23. See “Anatomy," Enc. Brit., 13th ed.


1. Emerson, “Swedenborg,” in Representative Men (Boston, Houghton, Osgood & Co., 1879), p. 88.
2. E.A.K., Vol. II, 652.
3. Ibid.
4. E.A.K., Vol. II, 214.
5. Haggard, Howard W., M.D., Professor and Director, Laboratory of Applied Physiology, Yale University, Swedenborg as a Physiologist (Hawthorne, N. J., Swedenborg Publishing Society).
6. Några vittnesbörd om vetenskapsmannen Swedenborg, samlade af A. H. Stroh (Stockholm, 1909).
7. Ibid.; see also L. Tafel, in N.P., July, 1942, p. 213.
8. British Medical Journal, October 15, 1910.
9. F. T. Lewis. in Science. Reprinted in N.P., October, 1942.
10. Ibid. (At this period Swedenborg believed he sometimes received instruction in dreams.)
11. M. F. Ashley Montagu, Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, in Isis, pub. by History of Science Society; cited in N.P., January, 1942, p. 146.
12. Gardner Murphy, "Psychical Research and the Mind-body Relation," Journal A.S.P.R., October, 1946.
13. E.A.K., Vol. II, 283.
14. E.A.K., Vol. II, 217.
15. E.A.K., Vol. I, 214.
16. E.A.K., Vol. I, 199.
17. E.A.K., Vol. I, 64.
18. E.A.K., Vol. I, 253.
19. E.A.K., Vol. II, 275.
20. E.A.K., Vol. I, 247, 248.
21. Ibid.
22. E.A.K., Vol. I, 255.
23. E.A.K., Vol. II, 235.
24. E.A.K., Vol. II, 236.
25. See Erwin Schrödinger, What is Life? (New York, The Macmillan Company, 1945).
26. Idem, par. 6.
27. Idem, par. 64.
28. Idem, Epilogue, p. 87.
29. E.A.K., Vol. II, 168.
30. E.A.K., Vol. II. 304.
31. E.A.K., Vol. II, 303.
32. E.A.K., Vol. II, 311.
33. Ibid.
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid.