Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/387

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36. Gustaf Strömberg, The Soul of the Universe (Philadelphia, McKay, 1940).
37. Idem, p. 49.
38. Idem, p. 87.
39. Idem, p. 97.
40. See E.A.K., “On the Formation of the Chick, etc.," Vol. I, 168, 247 ff.; also “The Animal Spirit," in Psychological Transactions, tr. by Alfred Acton.
41. Psychologica Empirica, Latin-English.
42. Arthur Koestler, The Yogi and the Commissar (New York, Macmillan, 1945).
43. Idem, p. 235.
44. E.A.K., Vol. II, 579 ff.
45. E.A.K., Vol. II, 649.
46. D.L.W., 184.
47. E.A.K., Vol. II, 290.
48. E.A.K., Vol. II, 630.
49. E.A.K., Vol. ll, 622.
50. Posthumous Tracts, tr. by J. J. Garth Wilkinson (London, 1847).
51. E.A.K., Vol. II, 310.
52. E.A.K., Vol. II, 251.


1. Rufus Jones, Studies in Mystical Religion (New York, Macmillan).
2. E.A.K., Vol. II, 356.
3. E. S. had Stiernhielm's copy of Plotinus.
4. E.A.K., Vol. II, 250.
5. See E. A. Hitchcock, Swedenborg, A Hermetic Philosopher (New York, Appleton & Co., 1858).
6. See S. Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy (London, Allen & Unwin) for best general account.
7. See Grace H. Turnbull, The Essence of Plotinus (Oxford Univ. Press), extracts from Enneads, based on the McKenna translation.
8. Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy (New York, Harper).
9. E.A.K., Vol. II, 208.
10. E.A.K., Vol. II, 209, 210.
11. E.A.K., Vol. II, 213.
12. E.A.K., Vol. II, 273.
13. E.A.K., Vol. II, 274.
14. E.A.K., Vol. ll, 269.
15. E.A.K., Vol. II, 277.
16. E.A.K., Vol. II, 304.
17. E.A.K., Vol. II, 277.
18. E.A.K., Vol. II, 294.
19. E.A.K., Vol. II, 279.
20. E.A.K., Vol. II, 281.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.
23. E.A.K., Vol. II, 317.
24. E.A.K., Vol. II, 320.
25. E.A.K., Vol. II, 322.
26. E.A.K., Vol. II, 323.
27. Ibid.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid.
30. E.A.K., Vol. II, 329.