Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/7

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Acknowledgments v
List of Illustrations ix
I. Why Swedenborg 1
II. Stockholm Shocked 7
III. Parent Extraordinary 14
IV. Undergraduate at Upsala 30
V. Discovery of England 43
VI. Engineer and Mining Expert 59
VII. Physicist and Physiologist 71
VIII. Dissecting Rooms Abroad 80
IX. Anatomy of the Mind and Body 96
X. Anatomy of Soul 112
XI. Strange Dreams and "Temptations" 124
XII. The Great Vision 136
XIII. Swedenborg's Sanity 156
XIV. Psychical Research 168
XV. Swedenborg's Clairvoyance 180
XVI. Automatic Writing 201
XVII. "What is a Spirit?" 217
XVIII. "Arcana Celestia" 230
XIX. Space, Time and Memory 250
XX. Speech, Odors, Auras 262
XXI. Gardener, Statesman, Author 271
XXII. Interworld "Correspondence" 285
XXIII. Stories from Beyond 302
XXIV. Marriages in Heaven 314
XXV. Swedenborg in Daily Life 325
XXVI. Amsterdam Report 336
XXVII. Balm in England 344
XXVIII. Swedenborg's Religion 352
XXIX. A Happy End 360
General Sources 364
Notes and References 365
Index 383